Modern Bayesian Tools for Time Series Analysis

Table of Contents

1 Disclaimer

1.1 Please read the following Disclaimer carefully

Thomas P. Harte and R. Michael Weylandt (“the Authors”) are providing this presentation and its contents (“the Content”) for educational purposes only at the R in Finance Conference, 2016-05-20, Chicago, IL. Neither of the Authors is a registered investment advisor and neither purports to offer investment advice nor business advice.

You may use any of the Content under the terms of the MIT License (see below).

The Content is provided for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as investment or business advice. Accordingly, you should not rely on the Content in making any investment or business decision. Rather, you should use the Content only as a starting point for doing additional independent research in order to allow you to form your own opinion regarding investment or business decisions. You are encouraged to seek independent advice from a competent professional person if you require legal, financial, tax or other expert assistance.

The Content may contain factual or typographical errors: the Content should in no way be construed as a replacement for qualified, professional advice. There is no guarantee that use of the Content will be profitable. Equally, there is no guarantee that use of the Content will not result in losses.


1.2 MIT License

The MIT License:

Copyright (c) 2016 Thomas P. Harte & R. Michael Weylandt (see below). Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


2 Set up


##  we'll always use the same seed:
`Random seed :: Modern Bayesian Tools for Time Series Analysis, R in Finance 2016`<- function() {
`get_seed`<- `Random seed :: Modern Bayesian Tools for Time Series Analysis, R in Finance 2016`

tabs<- read_time_series_data()

2.1 Data sourced

Most of the the data accompany the text:

“Introduction to Time Series Analysis and Forecasting” (2008) Montgomery, D. C., Jennings C. L. and Kulahci, M., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ.

and can be downloaded from the web from Wiley’s ftp site.


2.2 Plot time series

2.2.1 Plot

    plot_ts(sheet="B.1-10YTCM", fmla=`Rate (%)` ~ `Month`, type="l")


2.2.2 Plot

    plot_ts(sheet="B.2-PHAR", fmla=`Sales (thousands)` ~ `Week`)


2.2.3 Plot

    plot_ts(sheet="B.3-VISC", fmla=`Reading` ~ `Time Period`)


2.2.4 Plot

    plot_ts(sheet="B.4-BLUE", fmla=`Production (thousands)` ~ `Year`)


2.2.5 Plot

    plot_ts(sheet="B.5-BEV", fmla=`USD (millions)` ~ `Month`)


2.2.6 Plot

    plot_ts(sheet="B.6-GSAT-CO2", fmla=`Surface Temp (C)` ~ `Year`)


2.2.7 Plot

    plot_ts(sheet="B.6-GSAT-CO2", fmla=`CO2 (ppmv)` ~ `Year`)


2.2.8 Plot

    plot_ts(sheet="B.7-WFMI", fmla=`Price (USD)` ~ `Date`, type="l")


2.2.9 Plot

    plot_ts(sheet="B.8-UNEMP", fmla=`Unemployment Rate (%)` ~ `Month`, type="l")


2.2.10 Plot

    plot_ts(sheet="B.9-SUNSPOT", fmla=`Sunspot Number` ~ `Year`)


2.2.11 Plot

    plot_ts(sheet="B.10-FLOWN", fmla=`Miles Flown (millions)` ~ `Month`)


2.2.12 Plot

    plot_ts(sheet="B.11-CHAMP", fmla=`Sales (thousands)` ~ `Month`)


2.2.13 Plot

    plot_ts(sheet="B.12-YIELD", fmla=`Yield (%)` ~ `Hour`)


2.2.14 Plot

    plot_ts(sheet="B.12-YIELD", fmla=`Temp (F)` ~ `Hour`)


2.2.15 Plot

    plot_ts(sheet="B.18-COAL", fmla=`Coal (short tons, thousands)` ~ `Year`)


2.2.16 Plot

    plot_ts(sheet="B.19-DROWN", fmla=`Drowning Rate (per 100k)` ~ `Year`)


This is a particularly interesting, albeit macabre, short time series. I could not locate the original report (or reports) for the time period in question (1970–2004), but did find one on the Arizona Department of Health Services web site (the AZDHS publishes such tables regularly, e.g. these tables are in the period 2001–2011).

Regrettably, I failed to find an explanation for the precipitous fall in deaths in the 1970–2004 period either in the book or on the AZDHS site. It would interesting to compare to mortality tables in other states. The CDC has some salient information:


3 State Space Modeling

3.1 Mean-only model, Normal shocks (vectorized)

\begin{equation} y_t \sim \mathscr{N}(\theta, \sigma^2) \end{equation}

3.1.1 Create model

model<- make_model(

3.1.2 Closure: capture a model

) {
            ifelse(is.null(response), "", paste0("_", response, sep="")),
            ifelse(is.null(T_new), 0, T_new),
            ifelse(is.null(seasonal), 0, seasonal)

    if (!file.exists(.binfilename) | force==TRUE) {
        ##  construct the environment

        this<- new.env()

        .sheet<-    sheet
        .model<-    model
        .response<- response
        .T_new<-    T_new
        .Lambda<-   seasonal
        .chains<-   n.chains
        .iter<-     iter


        bind_to_env(get_seed, env=this)

        .data<- get_data_block(
        .model.file<-  get_model_filename(.model)


        `binfilename`<- function() {
        `sheet`<- function() {
        `model`<- function() {
        `model_filename`<- function() {
        `show_model_file`<- function() {
            cat(paste(readLines(.model.file)), sep = '\n')

        `y`<- function() {
        `T`<- function() {
        `T_new`<- function() {
        `T_end`<- function() {
            if (is.null(T_new())) return(T())
            T() + T_new()
        `fit`<- function() {
        `extract_par`<- function(par, start, end) {
            assert(any(grepl(par, names(this$fit()))))

            theta<- rstan::extract(this$fit())[[par]]

            if ([2]))
                theta<- matrix(theta, nc=1)

            theta_mean<-      apply(theta, 2, mean)
            theta_quantiles<- apply(theta, 2, quantile, c(.0275,.975))

            time_index<- get_t(this$sheet(), start=start, end=end)

            out<- time_index %>%
                    theta_mean = theta_mean,
                    theta_lower = theta_quantiles["2.75%", ],
                    theta_upper = theta_quantiles["97.5%", ]
            colnames(out)<- gsub("theta", par, colnames(out))

        `plot_y_tilde`<- function() {
            y_tilde<- extract_par(
                start = this$T() + 1,
                end = this$T_end()
            y_comb<- bind_rows(

            z<- zoo(
                y_comb[, setdiff(colnames(y_comb), get_t_name(this$sheet()))] %>% as.matrix,
      [, get_t_name(this$sheet())] %>% as.matrix
                z[, 1:2],
                col=c("steelblue4", "darkgreen"),
                main=gsub("Table ", "", get_name(this$sheet())),
                ylim=c(min(z, na.rm=TRUE), max(z, na.rm=TRUE)),
            lines(z[, 3], col="limegreen", type="o")
            lines(z[, 4], col="limegreen", type="o")
        bind_to_env(`binfilename`, env=this)
        bind_to_env(`sheet`, env=this)
        bind_to_env(`model`, env=this)
        bind_to_env(`model_filename`, env=this)
        bind_to_env(`show_model_file`, env=this)
        bind_to_env(`y`, env=this)
        bind_to_env(`T`, env=this)
        bind_to_env(`T_new`, env=this)
        bind_to_env(`T_end`, env=this)
        bind_to_env(`fit`, env=this)
        bind_to_env(`extract_par`, env=this)
        bind_to_env(`plot_y_tilde`, env=this)

        class(this)<- "model"

        ## assert(fully_converged(fit))
        saveRDS(this, file=.binfilename)
    else {
        this<- readRDS(.binfilename)


3.1.3 What’s in your model?

as.matrix(vapply(objects(env=model), function(x) class(get(x, env=model)), character(1)))
binfilename     "function"
extract_par     "function"
fit             "function"
get_seed        "function"
model           "function"
model_filename  "function"
plot_y_tilde    "function"
sheet           "function"
show_model_file "function"
T               "function"
T_end           "function"
T_new           "function"
y               "function"

3.1.4 Show Stan code

We use vectorization for this particular example because it has a nigh isomorphism to the Stan code (and vectorization affords an optimization in the Stan model):

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// model name: mean-only, normal [vectorized: no for loop over index t]

data {
    int<lower=1> T;
    real y[T];

parameters {
    real theta;
    real<lower=0> sigma;

model {
    y ~ normal(theta, sigma);

cf. the model itself:

\begin{equation} y_t \sim \mathscr{N}(\theta, \sigma^2) \end{equation}

3.1.5 Fitted Stan model

Inference for Stan model: mean-only_normal_vectorized.
3 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1;
post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=3000.

          mean se_mean    sd     2.5%      25%      50%      75%    97.5% n_eff Rhat
theta 10378.67    0.47 20.24 10338.88 10365.08 10378.85 10392.43 10418.39  1838    1
sigma   219.32    0.37 14.61   192.21   209.33   218.41   228.38   249.52  1573    1
lp__   -700.97    0.04  1.05  -703.81  -701.35  -700.64  -700.23  -699.97   794    1

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Mon May 30 23:40:31 2016.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at
convergence, Rhat=1).

3.1.6 Assess fit

traceplot(model$fit(), inc_warmup=FALSE)




hist(extract(model$fit())[["theta"]], breaks=30, main="theta", xlab="theta")
hist(extract(model$fit())[["sigma"]], breaks=30, main="sigma", xlab="sigma")


3.1.7 Simulate from fit (mean-posterior predictive fit)

We can get the posterior mean in one of two ways:

  1. (theta<- get_posterior_mean(model$fit(), par="theta")[, "mean-all chains"])
    (sigma<- get_posterior_mean(model$fit(), par="sigma")[, "mean-all chains"])
    [1] 10378.67
    [1] 219.322
  2. (theta<- mean(extract(model$fit())[["theta"]]))
    (sigma<- mean(extract(model$fit())[["sigma"]]))
    [1] 10378.67
    [1] 219.322

and then simulate from the posterior mean (this is a “posterior predictive fit"—not a forecast!):

theta<- mean(extract(model$fit())[["theta"]])
sigma<- mean(extract(model$fit())[["sigma"]])
y.sim<- rnorm(model$T(), mean=theta, sd=sigma)
plot(model$y(), col="steelblue4", lwd=2.5, type="o")
lines(y.sim, type="o", col="blue")


Note that we are incorporating the uncertainty in the posterior estimates by averaging over them and taking a point estimate (the posterior mean). This is not the same as integrating over the posterior density (which is a weighted average of all posterior estimates).

3.2 Mean-only model, Normal shocks (for loop)

\begin{eqnarray} y_t &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta, \sigma^2) \\[3mm] \Leftrightarrow y_t &=& \theta + \varepsilon_t, \;\;\;\;\; \varepsilon_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \sigma^2) \end{eqnarray}

3.2.1 Create model

model<- make_model(

3.2.2 Show Stan code

We used vectorization in the previous example but we prefer to use the for loop because it generalizes to the remaining examples and is of particular advantage in time-series models. We’re not going to worry too much about optimizing the model set-up—rather, we’ll focus on model use.

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// model name: mean-only, normal [uses for loop over index t]

data {
    int<lower=1> T;
    real y[T];

parameters {
    real theta;
    real<lower=0> sigma;

model {
    for (t in 1:T) {
        y[t] ~ normal(theta, sigma);

cf. the model itself:

\begin{eqnarray} y_t &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta, \sigma^2) \\[3mm] \Leftrightarrow y_t &=& \theta + \varepsilon_t, \;\;\;\;\; \varepsilon_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \sigma^2) \end{eqnarray}

3.2.3 Fitted Stan model

Inference for Stan model: mean-only_normal.
3 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1;
post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=3000.

          mean se_mean    sd     2.5%      25%      50%      75%    97.5% n_eff Rhat
theta 10378.52    0.44 19.70 10340.91 10364.80 10378.21 10391.80 10417.24  1998    1
sigma   219.66    0.36 14.25   193.86   209.66   218.93   228.58   249.12  1566    1
lp__   -700.91    0.03  0.96  -703.49  -701.31  -700.63  -700.21  -699.96   940    1

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Mon May 30 23:41:05 2016.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at
convergence, Rhat=1).

3.2.4 Simulate from fit

theta<- mean(extract(model$fit())[["theta"]])
sigma<- mean(extract(model$fit())[["sigma"]])
y.sim<- rnorm(model$T(), mean=theta, sd=sigma)
plot(model$y(), col="steelblue4", lwd=2.5, type="o")
lines(y.sim, type="o", col="blue")


3.3 Mean-only model, Normal shocks, generate forecast from model block

\begin{eqnarray} y_t &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta, \sigma^2) \\[3mm] \Leftrightarrow y_t &=& \theta + \varepsilon_t, \;\;\;\;\; \varepsilon_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \sigma^2) \end{eqnarray}

3.3.1 Create model

Note: we will generate T_new new data points out of sample, i.e. we will forecast T_new steps ahead.

model<- make_model(
SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'mean-only_normal_predict_new_model_block' NOW (CHAIN 1).

Chain 1, Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration:  200 / 2000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration:  400 / 2000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration:  600 / 2000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration:  800 / 2000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 0.72597 seconds (Warm-up)
#                0.030108 seconds (Sampling)
#                0.756078 seconds (Total)

SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'mean-only_normal_predict_new_model_block' NOW (CHAIN 2).

Chain 2, Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration:  200 / 2000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration:  400 / 2000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration:  600 / 2000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration:  800 / 2000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 0.794401 seconds (Warm-up)
#                0.033499 seconds (Sampling)
#                0.8279 seconds (Total)

SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'mean-only_normal_predict_new_model_block' NOW (CHAIN 3).

Chain 3, Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration:  200 / 2000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration:  400 / 2000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration:  600 / 2000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration:  800 / 2000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 0.833951 seconds (Warm-up)
#                0.035478 seconds (Sampling)
#                0.869429 seconds (Total)
The following numerical problems occured the indicated number of times after warmup on chain 3
Exception thrown at line 19: normal_log: Scale parameter is 0, but must be > 0!     1
When a numerical problem occurs, the Metropolis proposal gets rejected.
However, by design Metropolis proposals sometimes get rejected even when there are no numerical problems.
Thus, if the number in the 'count' column is small, do not ask about this message on stan-users.

3.3.2 Show Stan code

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// model name: mean-only, normal [predict T_new in model block]

data {
    int<lower=1> T;
    real y[T];

    int<lower=0> T_new;

parameters {
    real theta;
    real<lower=0> sigma;
    vector[T_new] y_tilde;

model {
    for (t in 1:T) {
        y[t] ~ normal(theta, sigma);
    for (t in 1:T_new) {
        y_tilde[t] ~ normal(theta, sigma);

cf. the model itself:

\begin{eqnarray} y_t &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta, \sigma^2) \\[3mm] \Leftrightarrow y_t &=& \theta + \varepsilon_t, \;\;\;\;\; \varepsilon_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \sigma^2) \end{eqnarray}

3.3.3 Fitted Stan model

Inference for Stan model: mean-only_normal_predict_new_model_block.
3 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1;
post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=3000.

               mean se_mean     sd     2.5%      25%      50%      75%    97.5% n_eff Rhat
theta      10379.48    0.40  20.01 10340.25 10365.92 10379.11 10392.10 10419.46  2503 1.00
sigma        219.72    0.29  14.35   193.27   209.61   219.12   229.23   249.23  2385 1.00
y_tilde[1] 10379.42    4.15 211.31  9968.39 10234.45 10385.18 10524.61 10796.74  2595 1.00
y_tilde[2] 10380.57    4.70 222.01  9938.44 10232.95 10382.46 10525.15 10812.51  2230 1.00
y_tilde[3] 10375.66    4.54 230.59  9940.10 10220.16 10370.44 10528.45 10833.30  2581 1.00
y_tilde[4] 10376.72    4.56 226.31  9955.13 10226.05 10372.99 10525.91 10817.21  2462 1.00
y_tilde[5] 10371.47    4.35 220.84  9920.32 10228.42 10374.29 10522.11 10804.19  2577 1.00
lp__        -730.40    0.06   1.95  -735.08  -731.46  -730.08  -729.01  -727.65  1102 1.01

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Mon May 30 23:57:39 2016.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at
convergence, Rhat=1).

3.3.4 Forecast



3.4 Mean-only model, Normal shocks, generate forecast from generated quantities

\begin{eqnarray} y_t &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta, \sigma^2) \\ \Leftrightarrow y_t &=& \theta + \varepsilon_t, \;\;\;\;\; \varepsilon_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \sigma^2) \end{eqnarray}

3.4.1 Create model

model<- make_model(
SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'mean-only_normal_predict_new_generated_quantities' NOW (CHAIN 1).

Chain 1, Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration:  200 / 2000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration:  400 / 2000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration:  600 / 2000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration:  800 / 2000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 0.218478 seconds (Warm-up)
#                0.022934 seconds (Sampling)
#                0.241412 seconds (Total)

SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'mean-only_normal_predict_new_generated_quantities' NOW (CHAIN 2).

Chain 2, Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration:  200 / 2000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration:  400 / 2000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration:  600 / 2000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration:  800 / 2000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 0.236686 seconds (Warm-up)
#                0.019834 seconds (Sampling)
#                0.25652 seconds (Total)

SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'mean-only_normal_predict_new_generated_quantities' NOW (CHAIN 3).

Chain 3, Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration:  200 / 2000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration:  400 / 2000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration:  600 / 2000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration:  800 / 2000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 0.270393 seconds (Warm-up)
#                0.022084 seconds (Sampling)
#                0.292477 seconds (Total)

3.4.2 Show Stan code

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// model name: mean-only, normal [predicts T_new values in y_tilde]

data {
    int<lower=1> T;
    real y[T];
    int<lower=0> T_new;

parameters {
    real theta;
    real<lower=0> sigma;

model {
    for (t in 1:T) {
        y[t] ~ normal(theta, sigma);

generated quantities {
    vector[T_new] y_tilde;
    for (t in 1:T_new) {
        y_tilde[t]<- theta;

cf. the model itself:

\begin{eqnarray} y_t &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta, \sigma^2) \\[3mm] \Leftrightarrow y_t &=& \theta + \varepsilon_t, \;\;\;\;\; \varepsilon_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \sigma^2) \end{eqnarray}

3.4.3 Fitted Stan model

Inference for Stan model: mean-only_normal_predict_new_generated_quantities.
3 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1;
post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=3000.

               mean se_mean    sd     2.5%      25%      50%      75%    97.5% n_eff Rhat
theta      10378.52    0.44 19.70 10340.91 10364.80 10378.21 10391.80 10417.24  1998    1
sigma        219.66    0.36 14.25   193.86   209.66   218.93   228.58   249.12  1566    1
y_tilde[1] 10378.52    0.44 19.70 10340.91 10364.80 10378.21 10391.80 10417.24  1998    1
y_tilde[2] 10378.52    0.44 19.70 10340.91 10364.80 10378.21 10391.80 10417.24  1998    1
y_tilde[3] 10378.52    0.44 19.70 10340.91 10364.80 10378.21 10391.80 10417.24  1998    1
y_tilde[4] 10378.52    0.44 19.70 10340.91 10364.80 10378.21 10391.80 10417.24  1998    1
y_tilde[5] 10378.52    0.44 19.70 10340.91 10364.80 10378.21 10391.80 10417.24  1998    1
lp__        -700.91    0.03  0.96  -703.49  -701.31  -700.63  -700.21  -699.96   940    1

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Mon May 30 23:58:12 2016.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at
convergence, Rhat=1).

3.4.4 Forecast



3.5 Mean-only model, Normal shocks, generate forecast from generated quantities with Monte Carlo simulation

\begin{eqnarray} y_t &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta, \sigma^2) \\[3mm] \Leftrightarrow y_t &=& \theta + \varepsilon_t, \;\;\;\;\; \varepsilon_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \sigma^2) \end{eqnarray}

3.5.1 Create model

model<- make_model(
SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'mean-only_normal_predict_new_generated_quantities_mc' NOW (CHAIN 1).

Chain 1, Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration:  200 / 2000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration:  400 / 2000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration:  600 / 2000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration:  800 / 2000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 0.273756 seconds (Warm-up)
#                0.025425 seconds (Sampling)
#                0.299181 seconds (Total)

SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'mean-only_normal_predict_new_generated_quantities_mc' NOW (CHAIN 2).

Chain 2, Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration:  200 / 2000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration:  400 / 2000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration:  600 / 2000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration:  800 / 2000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 0.231618 seconds (Warm-up)
#                0.022441 seconds (Sampling)
#                0.254059 seconds (Total)

SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'mean-only_normal_predict_new_generated_quantities_mc' NOW (CHAIN 3).

Chain 3, Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration:  200 / 2000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration:  400 / 2000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration:  600 / 2000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration:  800 / 2000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 0.211353 seconds (Warm-up)
#                0.026607 seconds (Sampling)
#                0.23796 seconds (Total)
    plot_ts(sheet=model$sheet(), fmla=`Sales (thousands)` ~ `Week`);


3.5.2 Show Stan code

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// model name: mean-only, normal [predicts T_new values in y_tilde]

data {
    int<lower=1> T;
    real y[T];
    int<lower=0> T_new;

parameters {
    real theta;
    real<lower=0> sigma;

model {
    for (t in 1:T) {
        y[t] ~ normal(theta, sigma);

generated quantities {
    vector[T_new] y_tilde;
    for (t in 1:T_new) {
        y_tilde[t]<- normal_rng(theta, sigma);

cf. the model itself:

\begin{equation} y_t \sim \mathscr{N}(\theta, \sigma^2) \end{equation}

3.5.3 Fitted Stan model

Inference for Stan model: mean-only_normal_predict_new_generated_quantities_mc.
3 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1;
post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=3000.

               mean se_mean     sd     2.5%      25%      50%      75%    97.5% n_eff Rhat
theta      10379.71    0.46  20.31 10339.12 10366.58 10379.96 10393.80 10418.62  1950    1
sigma        219.31    0.35  14.46   193.32   209.35   218.74   228.57   249.14  1667    1
y_tilde[1] 10373.81    4.12 225.76  9933.51 10221.13 10375.88 10520.34 10818.54  3000    1
y_tilde[2] 10373.10    3.99 218.41  9942.35 10221.92 10377.23 10523.32 10801.63  3000    1
y_tilde[3] 10382.18    4.21 223.86  9940.05 10234.29 10384.17 10529.67 10823.47  2823    1
y_tilde[4] 10383.65    4.08 223.68  9931.30 10235.25 10386.39 10530.31 10826.64  3000    1
y_tilde[5] 10378.64    4.05 221.95  9932.72 10232.54 10373.66 10529.40 10808.04  3000    1
lp__        -700.97    0.03   1.04  -703.71  -701.34  -700.67  -700.24  -699.97   904    1

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Mon May 30 23:58:45 2016.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at
convergence, Rhat=1).

3.5.4 Assess fit

## layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,3), byrow=TRUE, nc=2))
traceplot(model$fit(), inc_warmup=FALSE)




hist(extract(model$fit())[["theta"]], breaks=50, main="theta", xlab="theta")
hist(extract(model$fit())[["sigma"]], breaks=50, main="sigma", xlab="sigma")


3.5.5 Simulate from fit (mean-posterior predictive fit)

We can get the posterior mean in one of two ways:

  1. (theta<- get_posterior_mean(model$fit(), par="theta")[, "mean-all chains"])
    (sigma<- get_posterior_mean(model$fit(), par="sigma")[, "mean-all chains"])
    [1] 10379.71
    [1] 219.3105
  2. (theta<- mean(extract(model$fit())[["theta"]]))
    (sigma<- mean(extract(model$fit())[["sigma"]]))
    [1] 10379.71
    [1] 219.3105

and then simulate from the posterior mean (this is a “posterior predictive fit"—not a forecast!):

theta<- mean(extract(model$fit())[["theta"]])
sigma<- mean(extract(model$fit())[["sigma"]])
y.sim<- rnorm(model$T(), mean=theta, sd=sigma)
plot(model$y(), col="steelblue4", lwd=2.5, type="o")
lines(y.sim, type="o", col="blue")


3.5.6 Forecast

Inference for Stan model: mean-only_normal_predict_new_generated_quantities_mc.
3 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1;
post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=3000.

               mean se_mean     sd     2.5%      25%      50%      75%    97.5% n_eff Rhat
theta      10379.71    0.46  20.31 10339.12 10366.58 10379.96 10393.80 10418.62  1950    1
sigma        219.31    0.35  14.46   193.32   209.35   218.74   228.57   249.14  1667    1
y_tilde[1] 10373.81    4.12 225.76  9933.51 10221.13 10375.88 10520.34 10818.54  3000    1
y_tilde[2] 10373.10    3.99 218.41  9942.35 10221.92 10377.23 10523.32 10801.63  3000    1
y_tilde[3] 10382.18    4.21 223.86  9940.05 10234.29 10384.17 10529.67 10823.47  2823    1
y_tilde[4] 10383.65    4.08 223.68  9931.30 10235.25 10386.39 10530.31 10826.64  3000    1
y_tilde[5] 10378.64    4.05 221.95  9932.72 10232.54 10373.66 10529.40 10808.04  3000    1
lp__        -700.97    0.03   1.04  -703.71  -701.34  -700.67  -700.24  -699.97   904    1

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Mon May 30 23:58:45 2016.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at
convergence, Rhat=1).


3.6 Mean-varying model, Normal shocks (a.k.a. “local-level model”, “random walk plus noise”)

\begin{eqnarray} y_t &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta_{1,t}, \, \sigma_1^2) \\[3mm] \theta_{1,t+1} &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta_{1,t}, \, \sigma_2^2) \\[3mm] &\Leftrightarrow& \\ y_t &=& \theta_{1,t} + \varepsilon_t, \;\;\;\;\; \varepsilon_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \, \sigma_1^2) \;\;\left\{ \begin{array}{l} \mbox{} \\ \mbox{observation / measurement equation} \\ \mbox{} \end{array} \right. \\ \theta_{1,t+1} &=& \theta_{1,t} + \eta_t, \;\;\;\;\; \eta_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \, \sigma_2^2) \;\;\left\{ \begin{array}{l} \mbox{} \\ \mbox{state equation} \\ \mbox{} \end{array} \right. \end{eqnarray}

3.6.1 Create model

model<- make_model(
SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'mean-varying_normal' NOW (CHAIN 1).

Chain 1, Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration:  200 / 2000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration:  400 / 2000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration:  600 / 2000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration:  800 / 2000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 0.09298 seconds (Warm-up)
#                0.078214 seconds (Sampling)
#                0.171194 seconds (Total)

SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'mean-varying_normal' NOW (CHAIN 2).

Chain 2, Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration:  200 / 2000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration:  400 / 2000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration:  600 / 2000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration:  800 / 2000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 0.086007 seconds (Warm-up)
#                0.074769 seconds (Sampling)
#                0.160776 seconds (Total)

SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'mean-varying_normal' NOW (CHAIN 3).

Chain 3, Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration:  200 / 2000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration:  400 / 2000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration:  600 / 2000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration:  800 / 2000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 0.086661 seconds (Warm-up)
#                0.0899 seconds (Sampling)
#                0.176561 seconds (Total)
The following numerical problems occured the indicated number of times after warmup on chain 3
Exception thrown at line 14: normal_log: Scale parameter is 0, but must be > 0!     1
When a numerical problem occurs, the Metropolis proposal gets rejected.
However, by design Metropolis proposals sometimes get rejected even when there are no numerical problems.
Thus, if the number in the 'count' column is small, do not ask about this message on stan-users.
    plot_ts(sheet=model$sheet(), fmla=`Drowning Rate (per 100k)` ~ `Year`)


3.6.2 Show Stan code

data {
    int<lower=1> T;
    vector[T] y;

parameters {
    vector[T] theta_1;
    real<lower=0> sigma_1;
    real<lower=0> sigma_2;

model {
    for (t in 1:T) {
        y[t] ~ normal(theta_1[t], sigma_1);

    for (t in 2:T) {
        theta_1[t] ~ normal(theta_1[t-1], sigma_2);

cf. the model itself:

\begin{eqnarray} y_t &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta_{1,t}, \, \sigma_1^2) \\[3mm] \theta_{1,t+1} &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta_{1,t}, \, \sigma_2^2) \\[3mm] &\Leftrightarrow& \\ y_t &=& \theta_{1,t} + \varepsilon_t, \;\;\;\;\; \varepsilon_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \, \sigma_1^2) \;\;\left\{ \begin{array}{l} \mbox{} \\ \mbox{observation / measurement equation} \\ \mbox{} \end{array} \right. \\ \theta_{1,t+1} &=& \theta_{1,t} + \eta_t, \;\;\;\;\; \eta_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \, \sigma_2^2) \;\;\left\{ \begin{array}{l} \mbox{} \\ \mbox{state equation} \\ \mbox{} \end{array} \right. \end{eqnarray}

3.6.3 Fitted Stan model

Inference for Stan model: mean-varying_normal.
3 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1;
post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=3000.

              mean se_mean   sd   2.5%    25%    50%    75%  97.5% n_eff Rhat
theta_1[1]   18.91    0.03 1.21  16.56  18.12  18.89  19.69  21.30  1928 1.00
theta_1[2]   18.05    0.03 1.13  15.86  17.30  18.05  18.76  20.28  1384 1.00
theta_1[3]   18.86    0.03 1.05  16.76  18.15  18.88  19.56  20.95  1575 1.00
theta_1[4]   19.12    0.03 1.10  16.91  18.41  19.09  19.84  21.31  1355 1.00
theta_1[5]   18.98    0.03 1.17  16.75  18.20  18.95  19.76  21.34  1180 1.01
theta_1[6]   16.85    0.02 1.09  14.71  16.12  16.88  17.63  18.86  1929 1.00
theta_1[7]   16.37    0.02 1.07  14.15  15.66  16.38  17.09  18.37  1895 1.00
theta_1[8]   16.56    0.02 1.02  14.52  15.89  16.61  17.24  18.52  2443 1.00
theta_1[9]   16.89    0.03 1.07  14.83  16.17  16.87  17.62  19.01  1687 1.00
theta_1[10]  16.09    0.02 1.04  14.13  15.41  16.10  16.75  18.15  3000 1.00
theta_1[11]  16.04    0.02 1.02  14.06  15.38  16.02  16.71  18.15  2381 1.00
theta_1[12]  16.52    0.04 1.28  14.18  15.64  16.48  17.32  19.26   911 1.01
theta_1[13]  14.54    0.02 1.02  12.56  13.85  14.54  15.20  16.59  2385 1.00
theta_1[14]  13.16    0.02 1.01  11.21  12.48  13.09  13.85  15.24  2162 1.00
theta_1[15]  11.82    0.03 1.08   9.65  11.10  11.81  12.52  13.95  1482 1.00
theta_1[16]  11.57    0.03 1.02   9.61  10.89  11.59  12.22  13.61  1431 1.00
theta_1[17]  11.40    0.03 1.06   9.35  10.68  11.41  12.12  13.51  1278 1.00
theta_1[18]   9.87    0.03 1.09   7.71   9.15   9.88  10.60  11.91  1117 1.00
theta_1[19]   9.60    0.03 1.03   7.56   8.90   9.63  10.27  11.61  1389 1.00
theta_1[20]   9.75    0.03 1.09   7.60   9.02   9.75  10.47  11.85  1572 1.00
theta_1[21]   8.01    0.03 1.12   5.75   7.26   8.03   8.76  10.19  1297 1.00
theta_1[22]   8.15    0.02 1.05   6.10   7.47   8.17   8.81  10.25  2234 1.00
theta_1[23]   7.80    0.02 1.03   5.73   7.11   7.81   8.49   9.81  1869 1.00
theta_1[24]   8.02    0.02 1.03   5.99   7.35   8.00   8.69  10.00  2012 1.00
theta_1[25]   8.30    0.02 1.01   6.35   7.61   8.27   8.96  10.30  1876 1.00
theta_1[26]   8.87    0.03 1.03   6.86   8.17   8.88   9.57  10.94  1414 1.00
theta_1[27]   8.66    0.02 1.03   6.55   8.02   8.67   9.33  10.67  1999 1.00
theta_1[28]   8.73    0.02 1.06   6.63   8.03   8.73   9.42  10.87  2049 1.00
theta_1[29]   8.56    0.02 1.06   6.53   7.87   8.58   9.24  10.66  1924 1.00
theta_1[30]   7.41    0.02 1.03   5.42   6.73   7.37   8.09   9.51  2118 1.00
theta_1[31]   7.37    0.02 0.98   5.47   6.72   7.35   8.01   9.31  2327 1.00
theta_1[32]   7.46    0.02 1.03   5.47   6.78   7.43   8.14   9.49  2153 1.00
theta_1[33]   6.43    0.02 1.00   4.49   5.75   6.45   7.09   8.41  2152 1.00
theta_1[34]   5.97    0.02 1.06   3.93   5.26   5.96   6.67   8.10  1834 1.00
theta_1[35]   5.65    0.03 1.28   3.14   4.80   5.63   6.51   8.14  2249 1.00
sigma_1       1.64    0.01 0.34   0.98   1.42   1.63   1.85   2.32   695 1.01
sigma_2       1.44    0.02 0.44   0.81   1.12   1.37   1.68   2.50   502 1.01
lp__        -60.01    0.35 7.26 -75.43 -64.44 -59.57 -55.13 -46.58   425 1.00

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Mon May 30 23:59:22 2016.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at
convergence, Rhat=1).
    theta_1<- model$extract_par("theta_1", start=1, end=model$T())
    sigma_1<- mean(extract(model$fit())[["sigma_1"]])
    sigma_2<- mean(extract(model$fit())[["sigma_2"]])

    plot_ts(sheet="B.19-DROWN", fmla=`Drowning Rate (per 100k)` ~ `Year`)
    lines(theta_1_mean ~ Year, data=theta_1, col="darkgreen", type="o")


3.7 Mean-varying model, Normal shocks (a.k.a. “local-level model”, “random walk plus noise”), predict ahead

\begin{eqnarray} y_t &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta_{1,t}, \, \sigma_1^2) \\[3mm] \theta_{1,t+1} &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta_{1,t}, \, \sigma_2^2) \\[3mm] &\Leftrightarrow& \\ y_t &=& \theta_{1,t} + \varepsilon_t, \;\;\;\;\; \varepsilon_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \, \sigma_1^2) \\[3mm] \theta_{1,t+1} &=& \theta_{1,t} + \eta_t, \;\;\;\;\; \eta_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \, \sigma_2^2) \end{eqnarray}

3.7.1 Create model

model<- make_model(
SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'mean-varying_normal_predict_new' NOW (CHAIN 1).

Chain 1, Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration:  200 / 2000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration:  400 / 2000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration:  600 / 2000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration:  800 / 2000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 0.126455 seconds (Warm-up)
#                0.117514 seconds (Sampling)
#                0.243969 seconds (Total)

SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'mean-varying_normal_predict_new' NOW (CHAIN 2).

Chain 2, Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration:  200 / 2000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration:  400 / 2000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration:  600 / 2000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration:  800 / 2000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 0.145055 seconds (Warm-up)
#                0.107148 seconds (Sampling)
#                0.252203 seconds (Total)

SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'mean-varying_normal_predict_new' NOW (CHAIN 3).

Chain 3, Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration:  200 / 2000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration:  400 / 2000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration:  600 / 2000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration:  800 / 2000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 0.14014 seconds (Warm-up)
#                0.086738 seconds (Sampling)
#                0.226878 seconds (Total)
Warning messages:
1: There were 1 divergent transitions after warmup. Increasing adapt_delta above 0.8 may help.
2: Examine the pairs() plot to diagnose sampling problems
    plot_ts(sheet=model$sheet(), fmla=`Drowning Rate (per 100k)` ~ `Year`)


3.7.2 Show Stan code

data {
    int<lower=1> T;
    int<lower=1> T_new;
    vector[T] y;

transformed data {
    int<lower=T> T_start;
    int<lower=T> T_end;

    T_start<- T+1;
    T_end<-   T+T_new;

parameters {
    real<lower=0> sigma_1;
    real<lower=0> sigma_2;
    vector[T+T_new] theta_1;

model {
    for(t in 1:T) {
        y[t] ~ normal(theta_1[t], sigma_1);

    for(t in 2:T_end) {
        theta_1[t] ~ normal(theta_1[t-1], sigma_2);

generated quantities {
    vector[T_new] y_tilde;

    for (t in T_start:T_end) {
        y_tilde[t-T]<- normal_rng(theta_1[t], sigma_1);

cf. the model itself:

\begin{eqnarray} y_t &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta_{1,t}, \, \sigma_1^2) \\[3mm] \theta_{1,t+1} &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta_{1,t}, \, \sigma_2^2) \\[3mm] &\Leftrightarrow& \\ y_t &=& \theta_{1,t} + \varepsilon_t, \;\;\;\;\; \varepsilon_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \, \sigma_1^2) \\[3mm] \theta_{1,t+1} &=& \theta_{1,t} + \eta_t, \;\;\;\;\; \eta_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \, \sigma_2^2) \end{eqnarray}

3.7.3 Fitted Stan model

theta_1<- model$extract_par("theta_1", start=1, end=model$T_end())
lines(theta_1_mean ~ Year, data=theta_1, col="darkgreen", type="o")


3.8 Mean-varying, linear-trend model, Normal shocks, predict ahead (a.k.a. “local linear-trend model”)

\begin{eqnarray} y_t &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta_{1,t}, \, \sigma_1^2) \\[3mm] \theta_{1,t+1} &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta_{1,t} + \theta_{2,t}, \, \sigma_2^2) \\[3mm] \theta_{2,t+1} &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta_{2,t}, \, \sigma_2^2) \\[3mm] &\Leftrightarrow& \\ y_t &=& \theta_{1,t} + \varepsilon_t, \;\;\;\;\; \varepsilon_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \, \sigma_1^2) \\[3mm] \theta_{1,t+1} &=& \theta_{1,t} + \theta_{2,t} + \eta_t, \;\;\;\;\; \eta_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \, \sigma_2^2) \\[3mm] \theta_{2,t+1} &=& \theta_{2,t} + \xi_t, \;\;\;\;\; \xi_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \, \sigma_3^2) \end{eqnarray}

3.8.1 Create model

model<- make_model(
SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'mean-varying_linear-trend_normal' NOW (CHAIN 1).

Chain 1, Iteration:    1 / 5000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration:  500 / 5000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1000 / 5000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1500 / 5000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 2000 / 5000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 2500 / 5000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 2501 / 5000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 3000 / 5000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 3500 / 5000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 4000 / 5000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 4500 / 5000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 5000 / 5000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 1.89458 seconds (Warm-up)
#                1.55528 seconds (Sampling)
#                3.44986 seconds (Total)

SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'mean-varying_linear-trend_normal' NOW (CHAIN 2).

Chain 2, Iteration:    1 / 5000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration:  500 / 5000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1000 / 5000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1500 / 5000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 2000 / 5000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 2500 / 5000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 2501 / 5000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 3000 / 5000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 3500 / 5000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 4000 / 5000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 4500 / 5000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 5000 / 5000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 2.31836 seconds (Warm-up)
#                6.79005 seconds (Sampling)
#                9.10842 seconds (Total)

SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'mean-varying_linear-trend_normal' NOW (CHAIN 3).

Chain 3, Iteration:    1 / 5000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration:  500 / 5000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1000 / 5000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1500 / 5000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 2000 / 5000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 2500 / 5000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 2501 / 5000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 3000 / 5000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 3500 / 5000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 4000 / 5000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 4500 / 5000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 5000 / 5000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 1.95461 seconds (Warm-up)
#                1.16863 seconds (Sampling)
#                3.12324 seconds (Total)
Warning messages:
1: There were 143 divergent transitions after warmup. Increasing adapt_delta above 0.8 may help.
2: Examine the pairs() plot to diagnose sampling problems
    plot_ts(sheet=model$sheet(), fmla=`Drowning Rate (per 100k)` ~ `Year`)


3.8.2 Show Stan code

data {
    int<lower=1> T;
    int<lower=1> T_new;
    vector[T] y;

transformed data {
    int<lower=T> T_start;
    int<lower=T> T_end;

    T_start<- T+1;
    T_end<-   T+T_new;

parameters {
    real<lower=0> sigma_1;
    real<lower=0> sigma_2;
    real<lower=0> sigma_3;
    vector[T+T_new] theta_1;
    vector[T+T_new] theta_2;

model {
    for(t in 1:T) {
        y[t] ~ normal(theta_1[t], sigma_1);

    for(t in 2:T_end) {
        theta_1[t] ~ normal(theta_1[t-1] + theta_2[t], sigma_2);
        theta_2[t] ~ normal(theta_2[t-1], sigma_3);

generated quantities {
    vector[T_new] y_tilde;

    for (t in T_start:T_end) {
        y_tilde[t-T]<- normal_rng(theta_1[t] + theta_2[t], sigma_1);

cf. the model itself:

\begin{eqnarray} y_t &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta_{1,t}, \, \sigma_1^2) \\[3mm] \theta_{1,t+1} &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta_{1,t} + \theta_{2,t}, \, \sigma_2^2) \\[3mm] \theta_{2,t+1} &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta_{2,t}, \, \sigma_2^2) \\[3mm] &\Leftrightarrow& \\ y_t &=& \theta_{1,t} + \varepsilon_t, \;\;\;\;\; \varepsilon_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \, \sigma_1^2) \\[3mm] \theta_{1,t+1} &=& \theta_{1,t} + \theta_{2,t} + \eta_t, \;\;\;\;\; \eta_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \, \sigma_2^2) \\[3mm] \theta_{2,t+1} &=& \theta_{2,t} + \xi_t, \;\;\;\;\; \xi_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \, \sigma_3^2) \end{eqnarray}

3.8.3 Fitted Stan model

Inference for Stan model: mean-varying_linear-trend_normal.
3 chains, each with iter=5000; warmup=2500; thin=1;
post-warmup draws per chain=2500, total post-warmup draws=7500.

             mean se_mean    sd   2.5%    25%   50%   75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
sigma_1      1.75    0.03  0.41   0.59   1.57  1.77  1.97  2.47   211 1.02
sigma_2      0.93    0.05  0.59   0.19   0.53  0.81  1.17  2.58   144 1.05
sigma_3      0.22    0.02  0.17   0.02   0.09  0.17  0.29  0.66   115 1.04
theta_1[1]  19.26    0.03  1.24  16.79  18.45 19.27 20.06 21.76  2073 1.00
theta_1[2]  18.55    0.06  1.17  16.11  17.81 18.62 19.33 20.76   394 1.01
theta_1[3]  18.82    0.03  0.99  16.94  18.18 18.85 19.47 20.71   915 1.00
theta_1[4]  18.80    0.04  1.02  16.84  18.13 18.78 19.46 20.83   674 1.00
theta_1[5]  18.57    0.06  1.12  16.61  17.82 18.46 19.19 21.20   335 1.01
theta_1[6]  17.20    0.05  1.03  14.99  16.57 17.29 17.90 19.07   403 1.02
theta_1[7]  16.78    0.04  0.96  14.86  16.15 16.84 17.44 18.55   595 1.01
theta_1[8]  16.71    0.02  0.89  14.94  16.13 16.70 17.29 18.44  2283 1.00
theta_1[9]  16.74    0.04  0.96  14.88  16.10 16.71 17.36 18.60   734 1.00
theta_1[10] 16.09    0.03  0.93  14.24  15.46 16.09 16.71 17.92  1261 1.00
theta_1[11] 15.84    0.03  0.95  14.01  15.21 15.83 16.44 17.80  1196 1.00
theta_1[12] 15.86    0.09  1.33  13.75  14.94 15.67 16.57 19.24   237 1.02
theta_1[13] 14.40    0.02  0.90  12.67  13.82 14.38 14.98 16.22  2199 1.00
theta_1[14] 13.30    0.02  0.89  11.53  12.73 13.30 13.88 15.02  2476 1.00
theta_1[15] 12.17    0.04  0.99  10.12  11.55 12.22 12.83 14.00   496 1.01
theta_1[16] 11.68    0.02  0.90   9.86  11.13 11.68 12.26 13.44  1408 1.00
theta_1[17] 11.27    0.04  0.96   9.36  10.65 11.26 11.88 13.21   715 1.00
theta_1[18] 10.13    0.05  1.00   8.12   9.48 10.17 10.82 12.03   448 1.01
theta_1[19]  9.73    0.03  0.91   7.93   9.14  9.74 10.36 11.56   945 1.00
theta_1[20]  9.59    0.05  1.02   7.66   8.90  9.56 10.21 11.83   483 1.01
theta_1[21]  8.38    0.07  1.11   5.89   7.72  8.46  9.15 10.39   294 1.02
theta_1[22]  8.34    0.03  0.92   6.52   7.73  8.38  8.97 10.11  1070 1.00
theta_1[23]  8.06    0.04  0.94   6.20   7.40  8.08  8.69  9.86   660 1.01
theta_1[24]  8.16    0.02  0.86   6.42   7.61  8.17  8.73  9.85  1878 1.00
theta_1[25]  8.32    0.02  0.86   6.63   7.76  8.31  8.87 10.04  2712 1.00
theta_1[26]  8.66    0.03  0.95   6.86   8.03  8.61  9.29 10.64   744 1.01
theta_1[27]  8.51    0.02  0.91   6.71   7.93  8.49  9.11 10.35  1586 1.00
theta_1[28]  8.47    0.03  0.94   6.64   7.85  8.44  9.08 10.40  1156 1.00
theta_1[29]  8.31    0.04  0.99   6.44   7.62  8.27  8.94 10.32   673 1.01
theta_1[30]  7.52    0.04  0.94   5.70   6.89  7.51  8.17  9.36   695 1.00
theta_1[31]  7.32    0.02  0.90   5.58   6.72  7.30  7.91  9.10  1724 1.00
theta_1[32]  7.17    0.03  0.94   5.37   6.54  7.16  7.79  9.03   847 1.01
theta_1[33]  6.41    0.02  0.93   4.59   5.79  6.41  7.03  8.26  2012 1.00
theta_1[34]  5.92    0.03  1.02   3.94   5.26  5.89  6.56  7.98  1614 1.00
theta_1[35]  5.47    0.04  1.23   3.05   4.66  5.47  6.23  7.87  1076 1.00
theta_1[36]  5.09    0.06  1.91   1.16   3.96  5.11  6.25  8.87  1206 1.00
theta_1[37]  4.71    0.08  2.53  -0.42   3.20  4.77  6.23  9.80  1030 1.00
theta_1[38]  4.31    0.10  3.18  -2.11   2.43  4.42  6.12 10.75   958 1.00
theta_1[39]  3.92    0.12  3.86  -4.04   1.70  4.04  6.09 11.85   962 1.00
theta_1[40]  3.52    0.15  4.53  -5.81   0.94  3.62  6.04 12.62   971 1.00
theta_2[1]  -0.38    0.02  0.61  -1.61  -0.67 -0.39 -0.09  0.88  1200 1.00
theta_2[2]  -0.38    0.02  0.55  -1.52  -0.64 -0.39 -0.10  0.76   961 1.00
theta_2[3]  -0.35    0.02  0.49  -1.33  -0.60 -0.37 -0.11  0.65   835 1.00
theta_2[4]  -0.37    0.02  0.45  -1.28  -0.61 -0.38 -0.13  0.54   832 1.00
theta_2[5]  -0.41    0.01  0.42  -1.32  -0.62 -0.40 -0.18  0.40  1222 1.00
theta_2[6]  -0.46    0.01  0.42  -1.39  -0.64 -0.44 -0.23  0.27  1191 1.00
theta_2[7]  -0.44    0.01  0.39  -1.30  -0.62 -0.43 -0.23  0.29  1320 1.00
theta_2[8]  -0.42    0.01  0.38  -1.25  -0.61 -0.42 -0.22  0.33  1413 1.00
theta_2[9]  -0.41    0.01  0.38  -1.18  -0.60 -0.42 -0.22  0.36  1534 1.00
theta_2[10] -0.44    0.01  0.37  -1.20  -0.62 -0.44 -0.25  0.29  1561 1.00
theta_2[11] -0.47    0.01  0.37  -1.22  -0.65 -0.47 -0.29  0.28  1486 1.00
theta_2[12] -0.52    0.01  0.36  -1.27  -0.69 -0.51 -0.33  0.21  1541 1.00
theta_2[13] -0.60    0.02  0.39  -1.48  -0.79 -0.57 -0.39  0.09   632 1.01
theta_2[14] -0.62    0.02  0.40  -1.53  -0.82 -0.58 -0.40  0.08   503 1.01
theta_2[15] -0.62    0.02  0.40  -1.49  -0.81 -0.58 -0.39  0.08   522 1.01
theta_2[16] -0.58    0.01  0.38  -1.40  -0.77 -0.55 -0.37  0.14   804 1.01
theta_2[17] -0.55    0.01  0.37  -1.36  -0.73 -0.52 -0.34  0.15   830 1.00
theta_2[18] -0.53    0.01  0.37  -1.35  -0.72 -0.51 -0.33  0.15   937 1.00
theta_2[19] -0.49    0.01  0.37  -1.26  -0.67 -0.47 -0.29  0.22  1514 1.00
theta_2[20] -0.45    0.01  0.36  -1.20  -0.63 -0.44 -0.26  0.26  1607 1.00
theta_2[21] -0.42    0.01  0.36  -1.21  -0.60 -0.41 -0.23  0.28  1672 1.00
theta_2[22] -0.35    0.01  0.36  -1.10  -0.54 -0.36 -0.16  0.38  1497 1.00
theta_2[23] -0.29    0.01  0.37  -0.99  -0.50 -0.32 -0.11  0.52  1188 1.00
theta_2[24] -0.24    0.01  0.39  -0.98  -0.45 -0.28 -0.05  0.62   753 1.00
theta_2[25] -0.21    0.02  0.40  -0.93  -0.44 -0.25  0.00  0.69   555 1.01
theta_2[26] -0.20    0.02  0.40  -0.93  -0.43 -0.24  0.01  0.70   532 1.01
theta_2[27] -0.23    0.01  0.39  -0.96  -0.45 -0.26 -0.03  0.66   706 1.00
theta_2[28] -0.25    0.01  0.38  -0.99  -0.46 -0.27 -0.05  0.56  1033 1.00
theta_2[29] -0.29    0.01  0.38  -1.04  -0.50 -0.31 -0.09  0.49  1572 1.00
theta_2[30] -0.34    0.01  0.38  -1.11  -0.54 -0.34 -0.12  0.43  1658 1.00
theta_2[31] -0.34    0.01  0.38  -1.12  -0.55 -0.35 -0.14  0.45  1712 1.00
theta_2[32] -0.36    0.01  0.41  -1.19  -0.58 -0.36 -0.14  0.45  1563 1.00
theta_2[33] -0.39    0.01  0.43  -1.31  -0.62 -0.39 -0.16  0.48  1086 1.00
theta_2[34] -0.40    0.01  0.47  -1.38  -0.65 -0.38 -0.15  0.54  1012 1.00
theta_2[35] -0.40    0.02  0.53  -1.53  -0.67 -0.39 -0.12  0.63   894 1.00
theta_2[36] -0.40    0.02  0.59  -1.70  -0.67 -0.38 -0.10  0.82   884 1.00
theta_2[37] -0.40    0.02  0.65  -1.82  -0.70 -0.38 -0.07  0.94   841 1.00
theta_2[38] -0.40    0.02  0.70  -1.93  -0.71 -0.38 -0.06  1.02   902 1.00
theta_2[39] -0.40    0.02  0.76  -2.04  -0.73 -0.38 -0.03  1.16   990 1.00
theta_2[40] -0.40    0.02  0.80  -2.16  -0.74 -0.38 -0.04  1.22  1216 1.00
y_tilde[1]   4.69    0.07  2.89  -1.03   2.80  4.71  6.58 10.43  1677 1.00
y_tilde[2]   4.31    0.10  3.47  -2.46   2.12  4.30  6.49 11.12  1186 1.00
y_tilde[3]   3.90    0.12  4.07  -4.23   1.39  3.99  6.42 12.09  1124 1.00
y_tilde[4]   3.52    0.15  4.79  -6.31   0.69  3.62  6.33 13.11  1035 1.00
y_tilde[5]   3.10    0.17  5.46  -8.12  -0.03  3.22  6.24 14.11  1023 1.00
lp__         8.09    8.11 36.07 -57.31 -18.12  7.56 31.88 81.88    20 1.09

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Tue May 31 00:00:44 2016.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at
convergence, Rhat=1).


    ## TODO: put this into the model:
    theta_1<- model$extract_par("theta_1", start=1, end=model$T_end())
    lines(theta_1_mean ~ Year, data=theta_1, col="darkgreen", type="o")


theta_2<- model$extract_par("theta_2", start=1, end=model$T_end())
plot_ts(model$sheet(), fmla=`Drowning Rate (per 100k)` ~ `Year`)
    theta_2_mean ~ Year,
    data=theta_2 %>% filter(Year <= (get_t(model$sheet()) %>% max)),
    col="darkgreen", type="o",
    xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab=""
# mtext("theta_2", side=4, line=3)
legend("bottomleft", col=c("steelblue3","darkgreen"), lwd=2, legend=c("time series","theta_2"), inset=0.02)


3.9 Mean-varying with seasonal, Normal shocks (a.k.a. “local model with stochastic seasonal”)

\begin{eqnarray} y_t &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta_{1,t} + s_t, \, \sigma_1^2) \\[3mm] \theta_{1,t+1} &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta_{1,t}, \, \sigma_2^2) \\[3mm] s_{t+1} &\sim& \mathscr{N}(-\sum_{\lambda = 1}^{\lambda = \Lambda-1 } s_{t-\lambda}, \, \sigma_3^2), \;\;\;\;\;\mbox{each season \(s=s_t\), for \(s=1,\ldots,\Lambda\), e.g. \(\Lambda=12\) for monthly data} \\[3mm] &\Leftrightarrow& \\[3mm] y_t &=& \theta_{1,t} + \varepsilon_t, \;\;\;\;\; \varepsilon_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \, \sigma_1^2) \\[3mm] \theta_{1,t+1} &=& \theta_{1,t} + \eta_t, \;\;\;\;\; \eta_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \, \sigma_2^2) \\[3mm] s_{t+1} &=& -\sum_{\lambda = 1}^{\lambda = \Lambda-1 } s_{t-\lambda} + \xi_t, \;\;\;\;\; \xi_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \, \sigma_3^2) \end{eqnarray}

3.9.1 Create model

model<- make_model(
SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'mean-varying_seasonal_normal' NOW (CHAIN 1).

Chain 1, Iteration:    1 / 5000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration:  500 / 5000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1000 / 5000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1500 / 5000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 2000 / 5000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 2500 / 5000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 2501 / 5000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 3000 / 5000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 3500 / 5000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 4000 / 5000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 4500 / 5000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 5000 / 5000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 50.1348 seconds (Warm-up)
#                228.302 seconds (Sampling)
#                278.437 seconds (Total)

SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'mean-varying_seasonal_normal' NOW (CHAIN 2).

Chain 2, Iteration:    1 / 5000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration:  500 / 5000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1000 / 5000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1500 / 5000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 2000 / 5000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 2500 / 5000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 2501 / 5000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 3000 / 5000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 3500 / 5000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 4000 / 5000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 4500 / 5000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 5000 / 5000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 68.0167 seconds (Warm-up)
#                17.2331 seconds (Sampling)
#                85.2498 seconds (Total)

SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'mean-varying_seasonal_normal' NOW (CHAIN 3).

Chain 3, Iteration:    1 / 5000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration:  500 / 5000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1000 / 5000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1500 / 5000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 2000 / 5000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 2500 / 5000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 2501 / 5000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 3000 / 5000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 3500 / 5000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 4000 / 5000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 4500 / 5000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 5000 / 5000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 172.868 seconds (Warm-up)
#                31.8761 seconds (Sampling)
#                204.744 seconds (Total)
The following numerical problems occured the indicated number of times after warmup on chain 3
Exception thrown at line 51: normal_log: Scale parameter is 0, but must be > 0!     1
When a numerical problem occurs, the Metropolis proposal gets rejected.
However, by design Metropolis proposals sometimes get rejected even when there are no numerical problems.
Thus, if the number in the 'count' column is small, do not ask about this message on stan-users.
Warning messages:
1: There were 2 divergent transitions after warmup. Increasing adapt_delta above 0.8 may help.
2: There were 694 transitions after warmup that exceeded the maximum treedepth. Increase max_treedepth above 10.
3: Examine the pairs() plot to diagnose sampling problems
    plot_ts(sheet=model$sheet(), fmla=`USD (millions)` ~ `Month`)


3.9.2 Show Stan code

functions {
    real sum_constraint(vector x, int t, int Lambda) {
		int t_start;
		int t_end;
        real s;
		s<- 0;

		// wind back from: (t-1)  to:  t-(Lambda-1)
		t_start<- t-1;
		t_end<-   t-(Lambda-1);

		for (i in t_start:t_end) {
		    s<- s - x[i];

        return s;

data {
    int<lower=12> T;
    vector[T] y;
    int<lower=12,upper=12> Lambda;

parameters {
    vector[T] theta_1;
    vector[T] s;
    real<lower=0> sigma_1;
    real<lower=0> sigma_2;
    real<lower=0> sigma_3;

transformed parameters {
    vector[T] ss;

    for (t in 1:(Lambda-1)) {
        ss[t]<- 0;

	for (t in Lambda:T) {
	    ss[t]<- 0;
		for (lambda in 1:(Lambda-1)) {
			ss[t]<- ss[t] - s[t-lambda];

model {
    for (t in 1:T) {
        y[t] ~ normal(theta_1[t] + s[t], sigma_1);

    for (t in 2:T) {
        theta_1[t] ~ normal(theta_1[t-1], sigma_2);

    for (t in Lambda:T) {
        // s[t] ~ normal(-s[t-1]-s[t-2]-s[t-3]-s[t-4]-s[t-5]-s[t-6]-s[t-7]-s[t-8]-s[t-9]-s[t-10]-s[t-11], sigma_3);
        s[t] ~ normal(ss[t], sigma_3);
        // s[t] ~ normal(sum_constraint(s, t, Lambda), sigma_3);

    // priors on initial values
	theta_1[1] ~ normal(y[1], sigma_2);

    // hyperparameters
	sigma_1 ~ inv_gamma(0.001, 0.001);
	sigma_2 ~ inv_gamma(0.001, 0.001);
	sigma_3 ~ inv_gamma(0.001, 0.001);

cf. the model itself:

\begin{eqnarray} y_t &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta_{1,t} + s_t, \, \sigma_1^2) \\[3mm] \theta_{1,t+1} &\sim& \mathscr{N}(\theta_{1,t}, \, \sigma_2^2) \\[3mm] s_{t+1} &\sim& \mathscr{N}(-\sum_{\lambda = 1}^{\lambda = \Lambda } s_{t-\lambda}, \, \sigma_3^2), \;\;\;\;\;\mbox{each season \(s=s_t\), for \(s=1,\ldots,\Lambda\), e.g. \(\Lambda=12\) for monthly data} \\[3mm] &\Leftrightarrow& \\[3mm] y_t &=& \theta_{1,t} + \varepsilon_t, \;\;\;\;\; \varepsilon_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \, \sigma_1^2) \\[3mm] \theta_{1,t+1} &=& \theta_{1,t} + \eta_t, \;\;\;\;\; \eta_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \, \sigma_2^2) \\[3mm] s_{t+1} &=& -\sum_{\lambda = 1}^{\lambda = \Lambda } s_{t-\lambda} + \xi_t, \;\;\;\;\; \xi_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \, \sigma_3^2) \end{eqnarray}

3.9.3 Fitted Stan model

Inference for Stan model: mean-varying_seasonal_normal.
3 chains, each with iter=5000; warmup=2500; thin=1;
post-warmup draws per chain=2500, total post-warmup draws=7500.

                 mean se_mean     sd     2.5%      25%      50%      75%    97.5% n_eff Rhat
theta_1[1]    4008.90    3.33  68.46  3879.00  3963.33  4007.37  4053.16  4148.38   422 1.01
theta_1[2]    4241.07    4.92  65.13  4110.23  4198.42  4242.46  4284.83  4365.13   175 1.02
theta_1[3]    4346.13    7.33  62.15  4221.40  4304.67  4347.42  4387.92  4465.07    72 1.03
theta_1[4]    4319.13    5.91  59.69  4202.06  4279.84  4319.24  4358.53  4436.34   102 1.03
theta_1[5]    4261.42    1.55  57.64  4146.11  4223.29  4261.57  4299.97  4375.59  1378 1.01
theta_1[6]    4202.15    1.22  57.95  4086.95  4164.09  4201.91  4240.45  4313.40  2267 1.00
theta_1[7]    4186.82    1.47  57.69  4076.61  4147.72  4186.62  4225.48  4302.43  1536 1.00
theta_1[8]    4107.27    1.66  59.11  3989.43  4067.48  4106.70  4147.05  4224.39  1265 1.01
theta_1[9]    4167.03    1.21  57.89  4052.76  4127.59  4168.17  4205.54  4280.77  2298 1.00
theta_1[10]   4218.49    2.14  59.55  4100.47  4178.61  4219.02  4258.94  4335.92   775 1.01
theta_1[11]   4218.10    1.23  58.10  4102.94  4178.02  4218.73  4257.09  4330.89  2230 1.00
theta_1[12]   4236.93    1.18  58.28  4119.59  4198.62  4236.60  4275.43  4351.36  2460 1.00
theta_1[13]   4233.54    1.40  55.37  4127.70  4196.71  4232.35  4268.99  4347.13  1572 1.00
theta_1[14]   4200.80    1.92  57.47  4091.62  4161.92  4199.94  4238.47  4316.55   896 1.01
theta_1[15]   4137.17    2.12  55.42  4030.43  4099.77  4137.09  4173.09  4249.04   681 1.01
theta_1[16]   4168.29    1.21  53.36  4062.89  4133.77  4168.25  4203.54  4271.57  1951 1.00
theta_1[17]   4230.18    1.46  53.99  4125.68  4193.86  4230.22  4265.83  4335.93  1368 1.01
theta_1[18]   4256.77    1.23  53.52  4151.02  4221.07  4257.90  4292.61  4358.40  1892 1.00
theta_1[19]   4272.75    1.26  53.10  4169.17  4236.56  4272.96  4308.60  4377.15  1774 1.00
theta_1[20]   4307.60    1.37  52.93  4203.71  4271.99  4308.05  4343.19  4409.09  1487 1.01
theta_1[21]   4289.40    1.31  54.39  4181.36  4253.20  4290.22  4325.73  4395.32  1716 1.00
theta_1[22]   4201.35    1.86  58.01  4087.12  4162.26  4201.33  4240.74  4313.91   970 1.00
theta_1[23]   4284.57    1.21  53.08  4182.34  4248.68  4283.48  4320.12  4389.61  1936 1.00
theta_1[24]   4318.72    1.13  52.24  4218.80  4283.16  4318.13  4353.65  4422.17  2134 1.00
theta_1[25]   4303.10    2.24  52.74  4203.40  4267.59  4302.23  4337.20  4410.57   556 1.01
theta_1[26]   4398.17    1.70  54.21  4295.20  4360.90  4397.32  4433.29  4507.60  1016 1.00
theta_1[27]   4439.01    1.44  53.08  4334.42  4404.00  4438.15  4474.91  4542.69  1350 1.00
theta_1[28]   4422.95    1.15  51.83  4321.27  4387.79  4423.29  4458.40  4523.37  2046 1.00
theta_1[29]   4449.86    1.15  53.26  4345.69  4414.16  4450.64  4485.43  4551.73  2151 1.00
theta_1[30]   4512.33    1.66  52.98  4404.13  4476.41  4512.84  4548.99  4612.67  1021 1.01
theta_1[31]   4468.80    1.20  52.63  4363.61  4433.30  4469.71  4504.68  4569.59  1926 1.00
theta_1[32]   4444.95    2.74  53.63  4339.66  4408.71  4444.39  4480.16  4552.79   382 1.01
theta_1[33]   4431.14    1.63  53.07  4327.43  4394.89  4431.05  4467.45  4535.73  1058 1.01
theta_1[34]   4504.69    1.46  53.35  4397.58  4468.41  4505.63  4541.07  4607.67  1339 1.00
theta_1[35]   4547.98    1.36  52.95  4443.03  4512.83  4547.36  4582.60  4650.73  1513 1.00
theta_1[36]   4577.16    1.18  52.46  4474.84  4542.10  4576.27  4612.70  4679.29  1989 1.00
theta_1[37]   4525.41    1.76  52.57  4424.84  4490.70  4525.15  4559.15  4628.67   892 1.01
theta_1[38]   4540.57    1.61  52.83  4440.02  4504.01  4540.01  4575.44  4647.15  1072 1.00
theta_1[39]   4588.23    1.39  51.15  4487.09  4554.27  4588.13  4622.83  4689.01  1360 1.00
theta_1[40]   4585.21    1.04  50.85  4486.79  4550.46  4584.68  4619.72  4682.78  2403 1.00
theta_1[41]   4610.07    1.11  52.69  4509.05  4574.89  4609.00  4645.30  4715.14  2269 1.00
theta_1[42]   4665.27    1.10  51.38  4564.88  4630.37  4665.01  4700.11  4765.97  2164 1.00
theta_1[43]   4695.15    1.41  53.30  4591.38  4658.97  4696.36  4730.63  4800.40  1436 1.00
theta_1[44]   4867.66    3.20  57.73  4753.35  4829.46  4867.92  4906.14  4976.93   325 1.01
theta_1[45]   4805.04    1.80  53.66  4696.91  4769.89  4805.94  4841.61  4908.80   893 1.01
theta_1[46]   4768.78    1.22  51.18  4668.06  4734.46  4769.15  4803.26  4868.74  1760 1.00
theta_1[47]   4692.93    5.65  54.63  4590.93  4655.92  4691.18  4727.91  4803.29    94 1.03
theta_1[48]   4753.98    1.53  51.94  4651.95  4720.20  4753.04  4788.37  4858.22  1149 1.01
theta_1[49]   4845.77    1.87  53.04  4738.33  4811.95  4846.52  4881.30  4947.50   808 1.01
theta_1[50]   4813.01    1.36  52.81  4708.74  4777.92  4813.35  4847.38  4916.38  1507 1.00
theta_1[51]   4845.52    1.80  51.65  4747.08  4810.30  4844.43  4879.95  4949.95   824 1.01
theta_1[52]   4959.61    1.48  51.18  4858.49  4925.23  4959.20  4994.07  5061.76  1188 1.01
theta_1[53]   4992.80    1.49  52.83  4884.97  4958.34  4993.60  5028.18  5095.31  1256 1.01
theta_1[54]   5002.10    1.35  51.70  4899.06  4967.74  5002.10  5036.41  5102.83  1461 1.00
theta_1[55]   5066.15    1.67  52.97  4962.04  5030.02  5066.62  5101.89  5167.78  1005 1.01
theta_1[56]   4995.71    1.24  51.42  4897.03  4961.85  4994.90  5029.82  5097.74  1711 1.01
theta_1[57]   4988.76    1.34  51.32  4887.65  4953.67  4989.43  5022.94  5089.49  1464 1.00
theta_1[58]   4985.39    1.69  52.66  4883.16  4949.53  4985.65  5020.30  5087.72   975 1.00
theta_1[59]   5115.83    6.06  56.81  4999.64  5080.15  5116.50  5154.58  5223.75    88 1.03
theta_1[60]   5011.92    1.18  52.00  4910.00  4976.80  5012.13  5046.83  5113.29  1926 1.00
theta_1[61]   4892.95    6.52  54.59  4788.30  4855.82  4891.90  4928.96  5003.16    70 1.03
theta_1[62]   4933.63    1.58  50.92  4834.67  4899.13  4933.44  4967.22  5034.88  1045 1.00
theta_1[63]   5005.29    1.44  52.05  4901.21  4970.39  5005.50  5040.79  5107.81  1311 1.01
theta_1[64]   4997.17    1.12  50.83  4899.08  4962.56  4997.44  5030.28  5097.46  2066 1.00
theta_1[65]   5013.59    1.21  50.82  4914.42  4980.53  5013.90  5046.86  5113.82  1775 1.01
theta_1[66]   4992.03    1.34  52.31  4891.75  4956.28  4990.61  5027.30  5095.34  1522 1.00
theta_1[67]   5093.97    1.30  52.78  4992.44  5058.48  5093.65  5129.29  5200.75  1640 1.00
theta_1[68]   5114.16    1.09  50.11  5017.30  5081.60  5113.41  5146.78  5212.02  2098 1.00
theta_1[69]   5171.27    1.20  51.24  5070.44  5137.40  5171.83  5204.55  5274.13  1812 1.00
theta_1[70]   5264.91    1.83  53.89  5158.47  5228.95  5265.49  5300.91  5371.21   868 1.01
theta_1[71]   5223.99    1.27  51.68  5123.25  5189.22  5224.32  5258.95  5325.32  1643 1.00
theta_1[72]   5220.37    1.19  51.31  5117.30  5186.74  5220.73  5254.39  5320.65  1853 1.00
theta_1[73]   5239.72    1.76  51.07  5138.86  5206.25  5239.94  5273.95  5340.48   843 1.00
theta_1[74]   5220.09    1.36  50.86  5118.64  5187.42  5220.47  5253.92  5319.80  1398 1.00
theta_1[75]   5155.43    1.62  51.97  5054.58  5120.65  5155.38  5189.88  5259.63  1033 1.01
theta_1[76]   5186.90    1.40  50.83  5091.21  5152.45  5185.33  5220.59  5290.04  1314 1.00
theta_1[77]   5206.92    1.51  53.04  5100.13  5173.13  5207.76  5241.74  5312.39  1236 1.00
theta_1[78]   5281.74    1.54  51.90  5179.31  5246.93  5281.96  5316.28  5382.58  1131 1.01
theta_1[79]   5256.57    1.14  50.72  5153.88  5223.49  5256.82  5291.52  5356.78  1967 1.00
theta_1[80]   5241.61    1.23  50.61  5138.15  5207.83  5242.26  5275.56  5339.76  1686 1.00
theta_1[81]   5265.08    1.35  53.23  5159.07  5228.82  5266.08  5301.55  5366.23  1565 1.01
theta_1[82]   5178.00    1.87  52.91  5076.38  5143.26  5176.89  5212.15  5285.48   797 1.01
theta_1[83]   5053.38    5.17  54.96  4946.89  5016.81  5052.66  5089.94  5163.24   113 1.02
theta_1[84]   5101.88    1.26  50.59  5002.16  5067.69  5102.51  5136.98  5197.30  1618 1.00
theta_1[85]   5113.09    1.16  51.55  5012.69  5077.99  5113.19  5147.13  5215.27  1976 1.00
theta_1[86]   5131.33    1.42  51.47  5028.28  5097.38  5131.36  5166.27  5230.48  1319 1.00
theta_1[87]   5134.90    1.32  50.95  5036.15  5100.28  5134.02  5170.21  5235.04  1481 1.00
theta_1[88]   5149.68    1.43  52.41  5046.18  5116.17  5148.81  5184.72  5251.39  1349 1.00
theta_1[89]   5081.35    1.82  54.61  4969.43  5045.05  5081.44  5117.50  5186.30   897 1.00
theta_1[90]   5156.80    1.38  51.80  5058.02  5121.42  5155.95  5191.48  5259.56  1415 1.00
theta_1[91]   5140.22    1.17  50.76  5042.27  5106.41  5140.58  5174.64  5239.43  1896 1.00
theta_1[92]   5103.65    1.27  51.50  5002.66  5068.89  5103.13  5138.55  5206.34  1642 1.00
theta_1[93]   5137.62    2.28  52.09  5034.02  5102.68  5137.38  5171.94  5241.49   520 1.01
theta_1[94]   5183.43    1.36  51.93  5083.48  5148.42  5183.05  5218.27  5287.26  1453 1.00
theta_1[95]   5168.56    1.22  50.52  5068.89  5134.58  5169.02  5203.41  5264.58  1705 1.00
theta_1[96]   5142.02    1.63  54.96  5031.46  5106.08  5143.44  5179.29  5249.14  1139 1.00
theta_1[97]   5234.10    1.39  51.94  5132.10  5199.25  5234.15  5268.71  5335.08  1401 1.00
theta_1[98]   5220.93    1.45  51.39  5122.07  5186.33  5220.53  5254.19  5324.22  1261 1.00
theta_1[99]   5281.24    1.71  51.43  5178.93  5246.68  5281.81  5315.64  5380.12   905 1.01
theta_1[100]  5293.70    1.42  51.41  5190.16  5259.04  5294.16  5327.42  5395.58  1306 1.01
theta_1[101]  5244.37    1.17  51.91  5139.57  5210.64  5244.66  5279.08  5346.42  1964 1.00
theta_1[102]  5278.95    1.47  52.49  5175.97  5244.56  5278.73  5314.56  5380.98  1281 1.01
theta_1[103]  5174.92    2.57  53.65  5072.52  5138.35  5174.14  5211.05  5279.11   437 1.01
theta_1[104]  5219.61    2.14  51.68  5121.86  5184.49  5218.31  5252.67  5325.55   583 1.02
theta_1[105]  5357.08    2.14  54.16  5249.28  5321.26  5357.65  5393.92  5461.21   643 1.01
theta_1[106]  5324.66    1.20  51.63  5224.84  5289.45  5324.72  5358.71  5428.41  1864 1.00
theta_1[107]  5296.16    1.23  52.14  5196.07  5262.32  5295.20  5330.81  5400.69  1807 1.00
theta_1[108]  5230.78    1.92  56.21  5118.94  5193.61  5231.71  5268.49  5340.79   855 1.01
theta_1[109]  5323.17    1.44  52.77  5221.36  5287.48  5323.12  5357.59  5427.92  1334 1.00
theta_1[110]  5432.33    2.49  54.08  5323.63  5396.98  5432.32  5468.33  5539.27   470 1.02
theta_1[111]  5387.19    1.37  51.82  5286.68  5352.47  5387.70  5421.85  5488.92  1434 1.00
theta_1[112]  5331.84    1.88  53.13  5229.95  5296.34  5330.70  5366.20  5439.64   795 1.01
theta_1[113]  5425.03    1.52  53.31  5319.55  5390.23  5424.38  5460.65  5531.47  1233 1.00
theta_1[114]  5349.78    1.49  53.57  5245.67  5313.64  5350.34  5386.06  5454.57  1295 1.00
theta_1[115]  5466.24    1.25  51.61  5364.48  5431.59  5465.88  5500.61  5569.56  1703 1.00
theta_1[116]  5583.53    3.77  58.76  5467.77  5544.35  5582.58  5622.27  5697.57   243 1.02
theta_1[117]  5441.18    2.41  52.51  5340.77  5404.59  5441.13  5476.33  5544.94   474 1.02
theta_1[118]  5452.99    2.00  51.87  5351.48  5418.87  5452.33  5487.24  5556.32   671 1.01
theta_1[119]  5506.87    1.35  51.53  5401.91  5473.19  5507.97  5541.81  5607.38  1453 1.00
theta_1[120]  5467.74    1.34  52.21  5366.71  5432.96  5468.08  5502.43  5571.28  1514 1.01
theta_1[121]  5361.04    1.66  54.19  5254.61  5324.27  5361.27  5397.70  5467.21  1069 1.00
theta_1[122]  5383.19    1.35  51.49  5280.53  5349.07  5382.88  5417.04  5484.27  1465 1.00
theta_1[123]  5417.50    1.36  51.52  5314.18  5382.47  5417.99  5452.62  5514.01  1435 1.00
theta_1[124]  5442.21    1.82  51.87  5341.23  5407.25  5442.92  5476.58  5541.96   814 1.01
theta_1[125]  5391.72    1.23  51.97  5291.06  5356.31  5392.40  5426.42  5494.04  1787 1.00
theta_1[126]  5320.06    1.50  55.86  5206.96  5282.96  5320.11  5357.76  5429.06  1379 1.00
theta_1[127]  5407.54    1.37  52.40  5305.82  5372.58  5407.26  5441.46  5512.07  1465 1.00
theta_1[128]  5410.08    1.25  52.17  5307.65  5375.81  5409.73  5444.26  5512.97  1742 1.00
theta_1[129]  5385.92    1.56  52.46  5282.23  5350.80  5385.67  5420.72  5490.47  1124 1.01
theta_1[130]  5404.03    2.42  53.41  5299.11  5368.05  5403.40  5439.28  5511.65   488 1.02
theta_1[131]  5437.00    1.20  51.97  5333.52  5403.23  5436.82  5471.89  5537.79  1889 1.01
theta_1[132]  5496.02    1.11  51.50  5394.51  5462.78  5495.47  5530.17  5598.28  2165 1.00
theta_1[133]  5501.79    1.39  52.09  5398.69  5466.65  5501.85  5537.10  5603.33  1404 1.00
theta_1[134]  5541.19    2.07  54.36  5432.29  5505.98  5542.58  5579.10  5643.70   688 1.01
theta_1[135]  5571.36    1.57  52.00  5466.36  5537.90  5571.59  5606.75  5670.04  1090 1.00
theta_1[136]  5589.30    1.22  51.86  5489.07  5554.61  5588.94  5623.87  5692.32  1802 1.00
theta_1[137]  5588.63    1.26  50.95  5489.34  5553.88  5588.22  5622.94  5690.29  1641 1.00
theta_1[138]  5634.28    1.20  51.66  5532.12  5599.34  5634.17  5670.26  5732.86  1858 1.01
theta_1[139]  5646.12    1.32  51.72  5543.95  5611.94  5645.72  5680.01  5746.20  1534 1.00
theta_1[140]  5611.63    2.27  52.89  5510.91  5575.59  5610.75  5646.30  5717.07   544 1.02
theta_1[141]  5740.11    1.47  53.58  5636.58  5703.94  5739.42  5775.16  5846.59  1334 1.01
theta_1[142]  5805.82    1.64  54.70  5699.90  5768.78  5805.35  5842.11  5913.94  1111 1.00
theta_1[143]  5736.70    4.18  55.69  5631.68  5699.32  5734.83  5772.54  5849.12   178 1.03
theta_1[144]  5844.38    1.26  52.21  5742.08  5809.20  5844.00  5878.75  5948.91  1726 1.00
theta_1[145]  6005.88    4.90  54.62  5894.62  5970.43  6007.19  6042.72  6110.94   124 1.03
theta_1[146]  5962.01    2.00  59.06  5843.63  5922.66  5963.24  6002.63  6073.75   868 1.00
theta_1[147]  6087.51    2.25  53.92  5977.48  6052.31  6088.73  6123.22  6192.19   574 1.02
theta_1[148]  6096.03    1.21  52.83  5990.90  6059.98  6095.88  6131.47  6200.24  1902 1.00
theta_1[149]  6159.89    1.29  52.76  6053.14  6125.12  6159.94  6194.59  6264.11  1666 1.00
theta_1[150]  6165.34    1.14  52.27  6065.10  6129.44  6165.01  6200.55  6267.55  2111 1.00
theta_1[151]  6169.16    1.35  52.38  6065.76  6134.74  6168.72  6202.61  6275.48  1505 1.00
theta_1[152]  6236.05    1.66  53.05  6128.52  6201.78  6236.56  6271.20  6338.55  1022 1.01
theta_1[153]  6270.91    2.29  55.41  6157.37  6235.89  6271.39  6307.88  6377.78   584 1.01
theta_1[154]  6159.67    1.43  53.73  6056.43  6124.08  6158.70  6194.49  6267.07  1404 1.00
theta_1[155]  6082.71    1.18  53.23  5975.78  6047.10  6083.15  6118.36  6184.28  2020 1.00
theta_1[156]  5985.57    2.37  54.09  5881.99  5948.18  5984.11  6021.95  6092.49   520 1.01
theta_1[157]  5907.30    1.52  55.40  5797.66  5870.26  5907.18  5944.59  6016.54  1325 1.01
theta_1[158]  5931.47    1.61  55.86  5820.94  5895.15  5932.18  5969.55  6039.64  1200 1.00
theta_1[159]  5943.40    2.10  58.59  5825.59  5903.88  5943.93  5982.43  6059.87   779 1.01
theta_1[160]  6152.33    3.31  56.67  6040.59  6114.14  6152.46  6191.31  6262.44   294 1.02
theta_1[161]  6169.16    3.46  55.40  6063.38  6132.31  6168.10  6205.17  6280.35   256 1.02
theta_1[162]  6313.29    1.20  53.54  6211.60  6276.04  6313.93  6349.42  6417.35  2004 1.00
theta_1[163]  6451.88    8.10  58.89  6330.93  6413.94  6453.37  6491.97  6561.31    53 1.04
theta_1[164]  6374.96    1.25  52.86  6273.46  6338.90  6374.27  6411.42  6478.32  1791 1.00
theta_1[165]  6372.85    1.25  53.42  6267.58  6337.75  6372.42  6407.71  6480.50  1828 1.00
theta_1[166]  6390.42    1.28  54.18  6283.54  6354.44  6390.41  6427.00  6495.04  1804 1.00
theta_1[167]  6389.40    3.76  55.37  6281.18  6351.64  6389.26  6427.17  6498.15   217 1.02
theta_1[168]  6476.99    1.61  57.09  6367.51  6438.23  6476.86  6515.82  6587.79  1259 1.01
theta_1[169]  6368.94    1.71  60.96  6247.98  6328.97  6369.55  6410.28  6489.29  1268 1.00
theta_1[170]  6357.28    1.83  60.01  6239.10  6317.12  6357.74  6397.51  6474.30  1072 1.00
theta_1[171]  6382.02    1.67  58.69  6265.66  6342.14  6383.25  6421.80  6494.72  1240 1.01
theta_1[172]  6387.83    1.48  59.34  6270.60  6349.01  6388.52  6426.33  6506.10  1601 1.00
theta_1[173]  6560.83    1.93  63.98  6440.39  6517.79  6559.01  6602.46  6691.09  1099 1.01
theta_1[174]  6535.55    1.46  59.69  6417.82  6495.43  6534.97  6575.85  6653.61  1680 1.00
theta_1[175]  6418.12    1.55  60.25  6299.82  6378.77  6418.69  6458.19  6536.35  1504 1.01
theta_1[176]  6490.19    1.67  59.66  6371.19  6450.63  6489.57  6529.83  6609.65  1272 1.00
theta_1[177]  6455.20    1.65  59.19  6337.48  6416.32  6456.02  6494.32  6571.90  1292 1.01
theta_1[178]  6546.10    1.24  57.12  6436.01  6507.71  6545.81  6583.85  6661.77  2112 1.00
theta_1[179]  6699.21    2.25  68.05  6570.05  6652.82  6698.82  6743.59  6835.63   912 1.01
theta_1[180]  6607.28    2.48  70.48  6473.84  6558.83  6606.11  6654.11  6749.21   811 1.01
s[1]          -521.12   10.97  72.92  -668.83  -569.71  -518.55  -470.64  -383.31    44 1.06
s[2]          -455.10    1.80  60.25  -570.66  -497.12  -455.55  -413.92  -336.99  1119 1.00
s[3]           -30.00    1.45  56.55  -139.05   -67.88   -29.68     7.68    83.31  1521 1.00
s[4]           -71.71    3.12  57.64  -186.46  -110.30   -71.88   -32.73    40.29   341 1.02
s[5]           398.16    1.25  56.42   287.11   359.75   397.85   435.78   509.36  2042 1.01
s[6]           613.32    1.51  56.48   502.06   575.51   613.17   650.06   724.31  1403 1.00
s[7]           254.01    2.96  58.15   140.96   214.36   254.04   292.93   369.52   385 1.02
s[8]           359.15    3.48  58.75   243.77   320.17   358.90   397.88   473.76   285 1.02
s[9]           174.28    1.52  56.60    65.02   136.48   173.21   212.31   284.62  1379 1.00
s[10]         -154.42    1.92  58.38  -270.94  -193.45  -154.18  -114.90   -41.71   924 1.00
s[11]         -215.26    1.31  57.32  -326.47  -254.10  -216.23  -176.09   -99.90  1904 1.00
s[12]         -305.52    1.28  56.45  -412.77  -343.73  -306.18  -268.16  -190.11  1951 1.00
s[13]         -586.49    3.60  53.47  -695.46  -622.27  -585.06  -550.05  -482.55   220 1.02
s[14]         -436.42    3.81  55.88  -547.40  -474.19  -435.90  -396.99  -331.03   215 1.02
s[15]          -45.99    1.38  51.45  -147.37   -80.18   -46.43   -12.51    57.04  1381 1.00
s[16]          -61.36    3.15  52.52  -163.19   -96.32   -61.48   -26.12    41.30   278 1.02
s[17]          395.77    1.25  51.53   295.38   361.63   395.22   431.40   495.28  1699 1.01
s[18]          639.22    1.29  50.83   542.66   604.43   638.34   673.27   738.63  1556 1.00
s[19]          204.20    1.28  50.61   102.99   169.74   203.45   239.47   303.54  1553 1.00
s[20]          415.12    1.28  49.80   319.54   381.03   415.48   448.88   512.67  1517 1.00
s[21]          162.28    1.41  50.98    63.41   127.78   161.16   196.72   265.83  1308 1.01
s[22]         -179.06    6.90  58.77  -294.72  -219.46  -179.09  -139.35   -63.77    73 1.03
s[23]         -193.36    1.26  50.59  -290.86  -227.95  -192.83  -159.38   -95.19  1609 1.00
s[24]         -269.16    4.51  51.38  -369.67  -303.64  -269.84  -233.42  -168.18   130 1.02
s[25]         -651.73    1.19  48.66  -748.57  -684.01  -651.48  -619.50  -555.73  1679 1.00
s[26]         -438.33    3.40  52.59  -541.49  -474.78  -437.81  -401.31  -337.46   240 1.02
s[27]          -28.12    1.50  49.93  -125.04   -62.50   -28.14     5.59    70.41  1105 1.00
s[28]          -50.74    3.08  50.24  -148.93   -85.39   -50.27   -16.82    45.69   266 1.01
s[29]          375.79    4.02  51.38   276.28   341.19   375.44   410.48   475.87   163 1.02
s[30]          665.72    1.92  50.81   568.91   630.67   665.20   700.45   765.26   697 1.01
s[31]          173.10    1.73  50.45    75.30   138.56   173.33   207.12   272.99   852 1.01
s[32]          457.95    3.34  50.80   359.25   423.36   457.61   492.10   557.70   231 1.02
s[33]          107.09    1.83  49.60     9.00    72.98   107.56   141.22   202.66   738 1.01
s[34]         -122.87    1.44  49.74  -219.17  -156.52  -123.09   -89.13   -25.76  1186 1.00
s[35]         -210.40    1.24  49.47  -306.89  -243.57  -210.09  -176.90  -113.12  1597 1.00
s[36]         -259.63    4.69  51.21  -360.63  -294.49  -259.83  -224.57  -159.87   119 1.02
s[37]         -661.92    1.31  48.46  -758.86  -694.40  -661.70  -629.04  -569.41  1368 1.00
s[38]         -465.87    1.37  49.25  -560.58  -498.93  -466.25  -432.91  -368.90  1289 1.00
s[39]          -30.30    1.64  48.38  -124.49   -62.68   -30.07     2.06    64.67   867 1.01
s[40]          -21.18    1.30  48.15  -116.33   -53.61   -19.86    11.74    72.18  1382 1.01
s[41]          378.29    2.15  50.59   277.75   345.44   378.36   411.90   477.29   553 1.01
s[42]          647.28    1.31  48.50   552.31   614.01   647.32   679.75   742.34  1374 1.00
s[43]          160.61    4.82  50.89    62.76   126.20   160.50   194.93   259.42   112 1.02
s[44]          490.11    7.40  56.62   380.77   450.59   492.17   529.63   596.82    59 1.06
s[45]           86.85    3.38  51.29   -13.50    51.62    87.06   121.38   189.45   230 1.02
s[46]          -90.89    1.31  48.10  -185.50  -122.68   -90.38   -58.84     3.48  1355 1.00
s[47]         -213.53    1.35  48.64  -312.19  -246.16  -213.47  -181.03  -118.65  1293 1.00
s[48]         -288.65    1.19  48.10  -384.09  -321.11  -288.59  -257.36  -192.82  1623 1.00
s[49]         -640.10    1.90  48.91  -736.75  -673.31  -639.90  -607.67  -543.68   662 1.01
s[50]         -484.27    1.51  48.86  -579.82  -516.76  -484.53  -451.66  -386.76  1043 1.00
s[51]          -59.38    1.27  47.04  -152.05   -91.59   -58.38   -27.29    30.77  1369 1.00
s[52]           21.16    1.23  47.58   -73.79   -10.99    21.55    53.77   112.12  1501 1.00
s[53]          388.31    1.43  49.05   291.96   355.14   387.88   421.17   483.64  1182 1.01
s[54]          593.48    2.44  49.28   495.68   560.78   594.18   626.39   690.47   409 1.02
s[55]          242.08    2.70  50.72   142.19   207.92   241.43   276.88   340.85   353 1.02
s[56]          413.15    1.16  47.01   322.29   381.24   413.21   443.97   507.89  1655 1.00
s[57]          118.68    1.34  48.38    23.35    86.72   117.70   151.35   212.81  1312 1.00
s[58]         -102.51    2.04  50.00  -199.75  -136.30  -101.58   -67.76    -6.04   598 1.01
s[59]         -162.20    5.62  51.77  -263.58  -197.43  -162.45  -126.48   -61.81    85 1.03
s[60]         -307.83    1.15  47.24  -400.80  -339.39  -307.76  -275.54  -215.89  1699 1.00
s[61]         -683.40    1.84  49.26  -778.34  -717.34  -683.32  -650.66  -586.15   713 1.01
s[62]         -470.21    1.34  47.57  -561.68  -502.46  -470.90  -438.02  -376.04  1267 1.00
s[63]          -56.02    1.49  48.12  -150.41   -88.51   -55.54   -23.71    38.21  1038 1.00
s[64]           25.22    1.09  46.35   -66.01    -5.41    24.39    56.63   115.25  1804 1.00
s[65]          393.89    1.78  48.50   298.05   361.50   394.03   426.65   487.73   740 1.01
s[66]          584.57    3.71  49.14   487.84   551.09   584.98   617.84   679.56   175 1.02
s[67]          257.21    4.52  51.29   157.34   222.64   257.37   292.74   355.76   129 1.03
s[68]          381.25    1.71  46.86   288.96   349.74   380.84   411.94   472.88   749 1.01
s[69]          117.12    1.33  48.39    19.82    85.05   116.27   149.89   211.32  1315 1.00
s[70]          -22.83    5.35  51.15  -124.27   -57.34   -23.42    12.78    76.53    92 1.03
s[71]         -218.91    1.33  47.61  -313.21  -251.10  -217.95  -186.78  -127.70  1285 1.00
s[72]         -322.36    1.25  47.66  -416.23  -354.31  -321.90  -291.03  -226.74  1461 1.00
s[73]         -666.82    1.31  47.45  -760.85  -698.18  -666.55  -635.38  -574.01  1305 1.00
s[74]         -460.51    1.65  47.43  -552.39  -492.16  -461.35  -429.16  -366.35   825 1.00
s[75]          -93.40    1.70  48.32  -186.88  -125.94   -92.99   -60.81    -0.25   808 1.01
s[76]           61.66    1.95  48.24   -31.26    28.16    61.65    94.09   157.22   614 1.01
s[77]          359.90    6.33  53.42   254.90   325.01   358.66   394.67   467.55    71 1.04
s[78]          638.21    1.89  49.26   542.65   605.08   637.39   671.47   734.67   683 1.01
s[79]          218.77    1.23  47.38   127.26   185.74   218.10   251.19   311.82  1494 1.00
s[80]          366.52    2.92  48.26   270.28   334.23   366.70   399.58   459.34   273 1.02
s[81]          148.91    3.17  50.80    50.54   114.04   148.21   183.83   247.25   258 1.02
s[82]           -6.19    4.71  51.14  -108.34   -40.60    -5.99    27.74    94.92   118 1.03
s[83]         -243.04    3.93  51.72  -346.44  -277.87  -241.94  -207.78  -144.92   173 1.02
s[84]         -326.80    1.28  47.08  -419.72  -358.24  -326.84  -294.94  -235.60  1359 1.00
s[85]         -662.69    1.20  47.63  -756.60  -694.54  -663.56  -629.91  -568.83  1565 1.00
s[86]         -474.23    1.45  47.42  -567.37  -506.09  -474.50  -442.36  -380.58  1066 1.00
s[87]          -89.81    1.56  47.28  -183.36  -123.54   -88.54   -57.90    -1.12   915 1.01
s[88]           73.21    2.71  50.20   -23.74    39.10    73.21   107.66   172.14   343 1.02
s[89]          358.82    9.12  57.58   251.15   319.73   357.24   397.17   476.51    40 1.07
s[90]          645.87    4.82  51.62   544.64   610.88   646.58   681.47   745.01   115 1.03
s[91]          198.21    1.16  47.61   105.01   166.50   197.96   229.18   292.48  1688 1.00
s[92]          379.23    2.05  48.45   284.14   347.35   379.26   412.11   473.31   560 1.01
s[93]          139.71    2.57  49.38    42.43   106.30   139.96   172.85   239.19   371 1.02
s[94]           -7.52    4.19  50.75  -106.83   -42.06    -6.88    27.16    90.07   147 1.02
s[95]         -194.38    1.16  47.72  -286.05  -226.61  -194.58  -162.04  -100.80  1697 1.00
s[96]         -378.18    5.88  55.06  -483.59  -416.26  -378.98  -340.52  -270.41    88 1.04
s[97]         -644.37    2.20  48.73  -738.82  -677.72  -644.45  -611.39  -550.21   489 1.02
s[98]         -496.93    1.53  47.46  -589.77  -528.80  -496.79  -464.99  -405.15   964 1.00
s[99]          -68.26    1.46  48.08  -163.07  -100.23   -67.87   -36.21    25.69  1088 1.00
s[100]          35.42    1.39  48.10   -60.48     4.05    34.35    67.44   131.93  1198 1.00
s[101]         429.31    4.87  50.42   330.53   395.36   429.38   462.41   530.40   107 1.03
s[102]         607.79    2.41  49.76   510.15   573.56   607.95   640.88   706.03   427 1.02
s[103]         171.12    4.32  50.12    71.95   136.91   172.45   205.50   267.34   135 1.02
s[104]         415.20    1.13  46.41   322.60   384.01   415.61   446.69   504.78  1684 1.00
s[105]         138.52    4.85  52.06    37.52   103.41   138.50   173.97   240.68   115 1.03
s[106]         -33.10    1.46  48.42  -127.48   -65.42   -33.09    -0.22    63.11  1106 1.00
s[107]        -157.82    3.73  49.02  -253.27  -190.66  -157.98  -125.44   -62.62   173 1.02
s[108]        -371.52    5.70  55.54  -480.42  -410.11  -371.64  -333.13  -261.24    95 1.03
s[109]        -694.91    1.34  48.49  -792.60  -727.84  -694.77  -661.29  -601.43  1315 1.00
s[110]        -465.97    1.81  49.17  -559.21  -499.92  -466.38  -432.24  -369.59   742 1.01
s[111]         -67.02    1.41  48.17  -160.10  -100.01   -67.73   -34.48    26.79  1160 1.00
s[112]         -27.27    3.96  49.26  -125.12   -60.72   -27.34     5.70    66.93   155 1.02
s[113]         560.03    5.47  52.97   455.45   524.73   560.54   596.20   663.13    94 1.03
s[114]         481.03    7.96  54.51   376.16   443.44   480.74   518.41   584.79    47 1.06
s[115]         204.79    1.25  47.66   108.88   173.69   205.43   236.63   297.67  1457 1.00
s[116]         492.19    8.21  57.99   380.92   450.75   492.33   533.18   604.12    50 1.06
s[117]          55.53    2.29  49.62   -40.68    21.60    56.03    89.20   151.33   469 1.01
s[118]         -20.83    1.55  48.40  -115.45   -53.90   -20.82    11.59    74.66   971 1.01
s[119]        -160.69    3.36  48.65  -256.08  -193.37  -161.88  -128.01   -63.50   209 1.02
s[120]        -306.00    1.15  47.78  -400.91  -337.94  -305.59  -273.68  -214.53  1724 1.00
s[121]        -739.82    4.33  52.40  -842.85  -775.10  -740.10  -704.28  -638.82   147 1.02
s[122]        -493.02    1.33  47.76  -585.11  -525.02  -493.30  -461.64  -397.35  1281 1.00
s[123]         -66.16    1.45  48.06  -157.55   -98.62   -66.31   -34.41    32.38  1104 1.00
s[124]          -7.88    1.34  47.81  -101.09   -40.66    -7.69    24.08    86.44  1265 1.00
s[125]         574.15    1.99  49.58   475.55   540.31   574.21   609.37   668.44   622 1.01
s[126]         448.78    8.23  55.68   340.44   409.79   448.49   487.04   557.91    46 1.06
s[127]         252.73    2.40  50.35   154.30   219.20   253.56   286.79   348.40   440 1.02
s[128]         446.94    1.32  48.19   351.88   415.19   446.57   479.25   542.16  1340 1.01
s[129]          68.05    1.40  48.30   -24.79    35.64    67.71   100.61   163.47  1192 1.00
s[130]          -2.81    2.64  50.37  -103.41   -36.01    -2.78    31.17    95.44   364 1.02
s[131]        -193.39    1.16  48.28  -288.15  -225.73  -193.94  -161.23   -96.98  1742 1.00
s[132]        -273.26    1.15  47.96  -368.50  -305.53  -273.59  -241.31  -179.50  1741 1.00
s[133]        -729.24    1.54  49.10  -824.61  -763.19  -729.44  -695.12  -633.89  1015 1.01
s[134]        -535.54    2.29  50.61  -635.20  -570.45  -536.36  -501.42  -435.08   488 1.01
s[135]         -55.57    1.49  48.31  -148.17   -88.03   -55.80   -23.81    42.20  1050 1.00
s[136]         -15.08    1.24  48.13  -110.29   -47.40   -14.41    17.36    80.07  1505 1.00
s[137]         574.09    1.24  48.05   480.97   541.62   573.80   606.80   667.92  1514 1.00
s[138]         486.22    1.26  48.96   390.31   453.18   486.84   519.70   582.79  1506 1.01
s[139]         248.37    2.19  49.39   152.59   215.63   248.47   281.48   346.28   509 1.01
s[140]         399.39    4.28  50.24   302.55   365.30   399.76   433.86   495.65   138 1.02
s[141]          95.45    3.49  50.57    -7.36    62.23    96.32   129.37   193.99   210 1.02
s[142]          12.67    6.93  55.11   -97.20   -23.54    13.87    49.87   119.54    63 1.05
s[143]        -213.13    2.63  51.56  -315.63  -247.77  -212.26  -177.81  -113.43   384 1.01
s[144]        -267.76    1.11  48.48  -362.96  -300.57  -267.86  -234.52  -171.12  1897 1.00
s[145]        -694.36    2.91  50.35  -792.87  -728.64  -694.39  -660.65  -595.23   300 1.02
s[146]        -589.60    8.65  62.82  -706.87  -633.63  -591.10  -546.87  -463.77    53 1.06
s[147]         -41.36    1.56  49.73  -138.35   -74.40   -41.88    -9.03    56.97  1022 1.00
s[148]         -36.95    1.23  49.88  -132.69   -70.57   -37.45    -3.18    63.39  1656 1.00
s[149]         604.48    1.73  50.24   507.93   570.53   603.89   638.83   704.16   845 1.01
s[150]         504.45    1.21  49.44   407.18   470.15   504.88   538.38   599.47  1680 1.00
s[151]         209.77    1.24  48.59   113.35   177.93   209.34   241.91   306.28  1538 1.00
s[152]         427.85    1.40  48.38   332.05   396.41   427.87   461.21   522.21  1186 1.01
s[153]          96.45    4.85  52.05    -7.57    62.08    96.75   130.68   197.43   115 1.03
s[154]         -41.17    1.49  50.02  -140.40   -74.35   -40.58    -7.12    55.70  1123 1.00
s[155]        -156.51    1.20  49.21  -251.23  -189.19  -156.54  -124.40   -58.45  1682 1.00
s[156]        -235.28    2.90  51.33  -335.27  -270.52  -235.83  -200.58  -134.19   314 1.01
s[157]        -772.60    2.92  54.04  -878.34  -809.51  -773.64  -735.48  -668.57   344 1.02
s[158]        -530.84    2.06  53.68  -634.31  -567.23  -531.45  -494.89  -422.84   680 1.01
s[159]        -106.34    7.06  58.85  -220.12  -146.73  -106.32   -66.73     9.05    69 1.05
s[160]          -5.62    2.57  54.29  -111.42   -42.41    -5.71    31.03   100.43   448 1.01
s[161]         603.10    1.31  51.48   500.89   568.62   603.46   637.40   703.39  1536 1.00
s[162]         520.07    1.20  50.66   421.75   485.55   520.12   555.36   616.26  1781 1.00
s[163]         206.04    1.45  52.30   103.78   171.53   205.79   240.83   308.77  1293 1.01
s[164]         450.90    1.48  50.21   351.20   416.80   451.44   485.32   547.67  1154 1.01
s[165]          49.57    1.40  50.72   -51.54    15.28    49.88    83.50   149.51  1305 1.00
s[166]         -53.26    1.45  50.80  -156.58   -87.21   -53.24   -18.01    44.51  1227 1.01
s[167]        -119.21    1.71  52.91  -219.64  -156.44  -120.34   -83.43   -14.64   959 1.01
s[168]        -206.51    7.68  59.09  -322.51  -246.15  -205.76  -166.94   -92.94    59 1.05
s[169]        -816.58    7.03  65.26  -945.09  -861.62  -817.02  -773.61  -689.23    86 1.04
s[170]        -531.76    2.25  59.27  -647.08  -571.91  -532.10  -491.59  -417.20   694 1.01
s[171]         -64.51    1.66  57.28  -174.23  -102.91   -64.99   -27.52    50.10  1192 1.00
s[172]        -102.22    7.62  61.40  -222.41  -143.03  -104.36   -60.96    19.73    65 1.04
s[173]         686.20    8.06  69.50   546.00   639.75   689.29   733.58   816.45    74 1.04
s[174]         550.58    2.11  59.38   437.35   509.57   549.94   590.87   667.64   791 1.01
s[175]         108.12    8.19  62.15   -13.09    65.23   107.38   150.37   230.91    58 1.04
s[176]         537.50    6.50  61.92   414.02   495.81   537.73   579.51   657.76    91 1.04
s[177]          -0.51    3.96  59.14  -114.77   -40.17    -1.96    38.00   116.92   223 1.02
s[178]         -93.16    1.57  56.48  -205.79  -132.05   -92.95   -54.82    17.09  1301 1.00
s[179]         -10.34   13.54  76.95  -165.59   -61.58    -7.42    43.36   132.45    32 1.09
s[180]        -278.68    1.41  65.97  -411.43  -322.50  -278.14  -233.66  -152.99  2205 1.00
sigma_1         24.43   14.64  26.43     0.41     2.32    10.26    44.94    83.28     3 1.69
sigma_2        105.16    2.11  12.60    83.61    96.41   104.11   112.48   132.80    36 1.04
sigma_3         43.22    2.62  11.60    18.91    35.69    44.64    51.57    62.98    20 1.16
ss[1]            0.00    0.00   0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00  7500  NaN
ss[2]            0.00    0.00   0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00  7500  NaN
ss[3]            0.00    0.00   0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00  7500  NaN
ss[4]            0.00    0.00   0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00  7500  NaN
ss[5]            0.00    0.00   0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00  7500  NaN
ss[6]            0.00    0.00   0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00  7500  NaN
ss[7]            0.00    0.00   0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00  7500  NaN
ss[8]            0.00    0.00   0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00  7500  NaN
ss[9]            0.00    0.00   0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00  7500  NaN
ss[10]           0.00    0.00   0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00  7500  NaN
ss[11]           0.00    0.00   0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00  7500  NaN
ss[12]        -351.30    1.78  73.36  -502.17  -398.59  -350.73  -300.90  -210.51  1703 1.00
ss[13]        -566.91    6.55  61.13  -686.87  -607.73  -567.16  -525.28  -445.79    87 1.03
ss[14]        -435.51    3.21  61.95  -552.57  -478.73  -435.54  -392.84  -315.34   372 1.01
ss[15]         -29.10    1.50  57.62  -141.21   -67.32   -29.47     9.02    83.36  1478 1.00
ss[16]         -54.82    1.89  57.92  -171.85   -93.44   -54.14   -14.50    55.31   939 1.01
ss[17]         404.70    1.22  56.71   295.14   366.72   404.22   442.65   517.16  2178 1.00
ss[18]         622.25    1.39  56.60   512.25   584.67   621.43   660.17   734.53  1661 1.00
ss[19]         237.03    1.70  57.40   124.32   197.53   236.93   275.47   350.59  1144 1.01
ss[20]         391.99    1.39  56.30   280.65   353.65   392.26   430.80   500.95  1648 1.00
ss[21]         151.14    1.26  56.86    40.33   113.42   150.10   188.81   265.72  2043 1.00
ss[22]        -165.55    2.85  60.80  -287.84  -206.61  -165.12  -123.83   -49.51   455 1.01
ss[23]        -201.76    1.17  56.29  -312.96  -239.27  -202.39  -164.03   -91.58  2306 1.00
ss[24]        -313.91    1.25  56.04  -421.20  -351.93  -314.04  -276.95  -201.72  2008 1.00
ss[25]        -631.24    1.17  52.68  -735.87  -665.27  -631.65  -596.83  -526.96  2033 1.00
ss[26]        -415.93    6.51  60.14  -532.84  -456.55  -416.50  -374.88  -296.76    85 1.03
ss[27]         -23.59    1.52  53.96  -128.05   -60.32   -23.98    12.05    84.15  1264 1.00
ss[28]         -56.83    3.27  54.67  -168.84   -92.91   -56.19   -20.62    47.99   279 1.02
ss[29]         389.69    1.31  54.00   286.43   353.29   388.70   426.75   495.28  1696 1.01
ss[30]         653.12    1.58  53.54   551.07   616.54   652.21   689.41   760.01  1146 1.00
ss[31]         191.60    1.39  53.33    84.99   156.01   192.24   226.81   295.80  1464 1.00
ss[32]         433.63    1.42  53.51   334.13   396.91   433.07   470.00   539.34  1428 1.01
ss[33]         137.96    1.17  52.78    35.09   102.26   138.31   173.92   242.45  2044 1.00
ss[34]        -148.20    2.52  56.94  -260.31  -187.22  -147.90  -108.49   -39.16   509 1.01
ss[35]        -218.69    1.37  53.33  -324.91  -254.37  -217.34  -182.76  -115.42  1522 1.00
ss[36]        -277.44    2.40  53.91  -380.30  -314.89  -278.34  -242.04  -168.78   504 1.01
ss[37]        -669.55    1.61  52.62  -778.28  -704.37  -668.30  -633.91  -570.39  1073 1.00
ss[38]        -445.96    1.99  52.98  -547.34  -482.53  -446.15  -409.85  -342.18   712 1.01
ss[39]          -8.21    2.26  54.32  -111.36   -45.65    -8.93    28.47   100.82   577 1.01
ss[40]         -28.66    1.38  52.13  -132.48   -64.33   -27.70     6.73    72.67  1431 1.00
ss[41]         368.31    4.03  54.87   260.09   332.02   368.31   405.18   473.60   185 1.02
ss[42]         655.74    1.61  52.95   553.75   619.48   655.80   691.33   760.31  1078 1.00
ss[43]         181.56    1.41  52.26    78.76   146.27   181.36   217.07   283.95  1368 1.00
ss[44]         478.90    6.09  57.13   370.92   438.27   478.46   518.08   594.15    88 1.04
ss[45]          95.88    3.23  54.53   -14.15    59.47    96.80   133.33   201.93   285 1.02
ss[46]        -113.84    1.52  52.61  -222.72  -147.97  -113.95   -78.66   -11.56  1202 1.00
ss[47]        -233.36    1.60  52.52  -339.04  -268.12  -232.54  -197.66  -133.62  1081 1.00
ss[48]        -279.46    2.28  52.36  -378.22  -315.43  -280.67  -244.37  -174.50   526 1.01
ss[49]        -652.72    1.20  50.71  -751.31  -686.67  -652.75  -618.90  -552.82  1800 1.00
ss[50]        -478.50    1.36  52.45  -581.29  -513.96  -478.89  -442.91  -376.21  1486 1.00
ss[51]         -24.52    1.78  51.60  -124.81   -59.64   -25.20     9.32    79.16   840 1.01
ss[52]          13.68    1.16  51.14   -84.32   -21.01    12.56    48.52   113.04  1955 1.00
ss[53]         370.81    2.77  53.08   265.48   335.55   371.89   406.11   475.14   368 1.01
ss[54]         629.78    1.18  50.97   528.43   595.23   629.81   663.82   731.19  1879 1.00
ss[55]         196.91    1.29  51.19    97.64   162.20   196.24   231.12   299.73  1585 1.00
ss[56]         444.94    2.27  52.60   344.82   409.54   444.51   480.47   548.29   539 1.01
ss[57]         118.65    1.49  52.30    16.64    83.71   119.13   152.94   221.74  1230 1.00
ss[58]         -90.92    1.45  50.83  -190.99  -125.24   -91.15   -57.01     9.78  1237 1.00
ss[59]        -201.94    1.32  50.90  -302.00  -236.17  -202.13  -167.77  -101.30  1485 1.00
ss[60]        -328.39    1.48  52.92  -433.99  -362.01  -327.72  -293.50  -225.77  1273 1.00
ss[61]        -660.66    1.25  51.29  -759.60  -694.77  -660.88  -626.52  -557.38  1690 1.00
ss[62]        -461.53    1.36  52.22  -563.55  -496.56  -462.59  -426.56  -358.76  1471 1.00
ss[63]         -50.70    1.32  50.81  -152.48   -84.28   -50.47   -16.42    49.55  1481 1.00
ss[64]          26.48    1.14  50.13   -71.19    -6.43    26.64    59.29   124.57  1942 1.00
ss[65]         389.57    1.26  51.69   287.94   354.53   389.49   424.46   490.51  1671 1.00
ss[66]         589.17    2.25  51.75   487.19   555.07   589.65   624.78   688.78   527 1.01
ss[67]         246.67    2.76  53.55   144.20   210.32   245.94   283.44   353.23   376 1.02
ss[68]         402.60    1.18  50.18   305.48   368.89   402.11   434.99   504.22  1809 1.00
ss[69]         140.03    1.41  52.36    38.74   104.85   139.88   173.80   244.46  1375 1.00
ss[70]         -79.60    1.37  51.50  -183.72  -113.85   -78.27   -45.93    21.19  1403 1.00
ss[71]        -218.98    1.18  51.05  -320.21  -253.15  -218.20  -184.07  -119.51  1886 1.00
ss[72]        -307.90    1.18  50.65  -406.78  -341.64  -308.23  -273.69  -206.95  1850 1.00
ss[73]        -668.93    1.33  51.19  -771.87  -702.21  -668.76  -634.86  -567.62  1489 1.00
ss[74]        -472.32    1.35  51.24  -573.20  -506.70  -472.40  -437.90  -372.40  1434 1.00
ss[75]         -67.83    1.40  51.13  -167.41  -102.13   -67.68   -33.72    31.19  1331 1.00
ss[76]          50.79    1.44  50.74   -49.23    16.33    49.79    84.66   150.85  1243 1.00
ss[77]         383.02    2.41  51.92   279.82   348.48   383.99   418.04   482.13   465 1.01
ss[78]         607.69    1.10  51.30   504.19   573.16   607.10   641.19   711.16  2166 1.00
ss[79]         226.69    1.27  50.87   128.21   192.35   225.86   261.09   328.44  1603 1.00
ss[80]         389.18    1.18  50.06   289.97   355.58   389.57   422.29   488.31  1797 1.00
ss[81]         139.78    1.42  52.49    39.71   104.44   139.47   175.00   244.18  1368 1.00
ss[82]         -31.96    1.86  52.17  -133.57   -67.15   -32.52     3.03    71.34   787 1.01
ss[83]        -244.67    2.16  53.42  -353.92  -280.77  -241.95  -208.22  -143.29   614 1.01
ss[84]        -324.00    1.18  50.04  -424.41  -357.71  -323.12  -290.33  -227.49  1805 1.00
ss[85]        -664.02    1.23  51.00  -762.29  -698.79  -663.47  -630.17  -562.44  1722 1.00
ss[86]        -461.84    1.62  50.78  -561.83  -496.17  -462.41  -428.33  -360.29   983 1.00
ss[87]         -81.02    1.52  51.15  -183.00  -115.28   -80.65   -45.71    17.82  1139 1.00
ss[88]          70.45    2.10  51.72   -29.90    35.25    69.34   105.09   174.76   609 1.01
ss[89]         357.15    7.66  57.98   244.06   317.00   357.57   396.59   470.64    57 1.05
ss[90]         636.54    2.67  53.42   535.51   599.39   636.17   672.03   742.68   401 1.02
ss[91]         209.43    1.20  51.39   106.67   175.39   209.18   243.39   311.42  1824 1.00
ss[92]         377.74    2.14  51.07   277.46   343.56   378.05   411.97   476.91   570 1.01
ss[93]         147.42    2.90  52.99    47.44   110.18   146.29   182.24   252.67   333 1.02
ss[94]           1.51    4.77  54.37  -103.55   -35.02     0.44    38.30   107.71   130 1.03
ss[95]        -234.00    2.26  53.79  -342.63  -269.78  -232.63  -196.97  -134.86   565 1.01
ss[96]        -366.42    4.05  54.58  -474.68  -402.95  -366.17  -329.44  -260.98   182 1.02
ss[97]        -650.94    1.60  51.47  -748.48  -686.15  -651.30  -617.29  -546.27  1034 1.01
ss[98]        -480.79    1.40  50.85  -578.93  -515.08  -481.33  -446.90  -376.97  1318 1.00
ss[99]         -73.67    1.48  50.34  -171.13  -107.90   -73.89   -39.63    22.45  1151 1.00
ss[100]         67.80    2.12  52.87   -33.92    32.41    67.44   102.69   173.72   623 1.01
ss[101]        391.20    7.13  56.48   277.41   353.51   391.45   429.18   501.20    63 1.05
ss[102]        607.76    1.96  52.33   506.93   571.71   607.18   643.33   712.05   715 1.01
ss[103]        198.19    1.22  51.05    95.59   165.15   198.44   231.42   300.44  1739 1.00
ss[104]        406.29    1.11  49.93   305.85   373.22   406.78   439.59   504.68  2022 1.00
ss[105]        130.81    2.42  52.32    32.04    94.87   129.92   165.81   234.82   469 1.01
ss[106]        -15.23    2.15  52.52  -116.09   -51.12   -15.39    18.57    91.17   597 1.01
ss[107]       -176.50    1.35  51.15  -276.29  -210.94  -176.74  -142.26   -73.99  1438 1.01
ss[108]       -396.86    7.35  61.61  -516.60  -438.99  -397.79  -353.28  -276.68    70 1.05
ss[109]       -669.71    1.39  51.10  -771.21  -704.05  -669.90  -634.46  -570.94  1351 1.00
ss[110]       -471.74    1.40  51.13  -572.17  -505.97  -472.26  -437.58  -370.31  1341 1.00
ss[111]        -74.03    1.50  51.05  -175.14  -108.08   -73.94   -39.71    26.10  1155 1.00
ss[112]         28.41    1.22  50.95   -73.00    -4.23    27.90    62.06   130.94  1754 1.00
ss[113]        484.99    1.15  50.77   384.29   451.03   485.01   519.31   581.52  1935 1.00
ss[114]        532.75    1.24  50.96   431.14   498.91   532.81   567.87   630.82  1690 1.01
ss[115]        222.84    1.27  51.46   121.66   188.91   222.35   256.71   325.56  1634 1.00
ss[116]        433.25    1.26  50.29   335.20   399.18   432.93   466.90   531.34  1582 1.01
ss[117]         79.58    1.38  51.04   -19.64    44.86    80.69   114.05   178.48  1373 1.00
ss[118]         -9.05    2.14  52.89  -109.61   -45.78    -8.92    26.15    97.54   611 1.01
ss[119]       -146.04    5.16  53.49  -245.96  -182.91  -147.08  -110.01   -39.33   107 1.03
ss[120]       -356.87    4.29  55.91  -469.60  -394.08  -356.18  -318.96  -248.46   170 1.02
ss[121]       -745.78    5.20  57.45  -861.10  -783.95  -744.27  -706.01  -636.46   122 1.03
ss[122]       -471.93    1.50  51.45  -570.70  -506.03  -472.90  -437.93  -368.06  1180 1.00
ss[123]        -45.94    1.52  52.27  -144.69   -80.68   -46.93   -12.01    58.91  1187 1.00
ss[124]         -7.05    1.32  50.93  -107.80   -40.87    -7.20    27.39    93.36  1497 1.01
ss[125]        560.86    2.34  53.78   458.01   524.14   560.57   596.98   666.62   528 1.01
ss[126]        467.75    7.00  56.63   357.40   429.10   468.32   506.83   576.12    65 1.04
ss[127]        223.76    1.31  51.46   120.05   189.95   224.51   259.31   322.09  1543 1.00
ss[128]        463.22    2.76  54.34   358.46   426.10   461.98   499.71   570.55   386 1.02
ss[129]         71.81    1.44  51.18   -27.73    37.06    72.20   106.48   170.62  1272 1.00
ss[130]        -17.07    1.59  52.01  -119.57   -51.92   -16.79    18.04    83.35  1073 1.01
ss[131]       -174.95    1.17  51.10  -276.20  -209.23  -174.69  -141.14   -70.74  1892 1.00
ss[132]       -287.57    1.12  51.29  -389.30  -322.27  -286.76  -253.58  -186.81  2089 1.00
ss[133]       -754.13    3.29  55.90  -865.18  -792.39  -753.49  -715.08  -648.05   289 1.02
ss[134]       -517.91    1.80  52.57  -622.98  -552.89  -517.68  -482.84  -414.63   854 1.01
ss[135]        -48.53    1.43  50.96  -148.01   -82.49   -48.61   -15.72    56.12  1268 1.00
ss[136]         -0.84    1.37  52.03  -102.33   -35.87    -0.98    33.67   102.16  1434 1.00
ss[137]        588.38    2.18  53.54   485.31   551.68   587.85   624.68   694.28   605 1.01
ss[138]        463.06    4.59  53.90   355.44   428.01   464.37   499.29   568.55   138 1.02
ss[139]        229.57    1.35  51.14   128.11   196.11   229.70   263.90   329.52  1427 1.00
ss[140]        428.14    1.18  50.75   326.85   393.70   429.03   462.28   528.27  1861 1.00
ss[141]         96.80    2.62  53.60    -5.71    60.98    95.46   131.32   205.15   419 1.02
ss[142]         -1.45    2.58  53.86  -106.94   -37.50    -1.52    34.59   105.12   436 1.02
ss[143]       -207.51    2.29  54.67  -315.71  -243.88  -206.73  -170.84  -101.48   569 1.01
ss[144]       -267.63    1.36  52.41  -369.29  -303.72  -266.88  -232.81  -165.42  1491 1.00
ss[145]       -729.11    1.31  52.09  -831.54  -764.33  -728.90  -693.96  -629.41  1584 1.00
ss[146]       -570.29    7.12  61.28  -690.91  -612.89  -569.67  -528.55  -448.31    74 1.04
ss[147]        -36.26    1.53  52.53  -138.42   -71.40   -37.22    -1.34    69.03  1185 1.00
ss[148]         -9.98    1.22  52.22  -110.48   -45.49   -10.98    24.90    94.91  1827 1.00
ss[149]        601.06    1.68  53.38   498.28   564.68   600.90   637.51   706.29  1010 1.00
ss[150]        482.81    1.36  51.94   378.63   448.35   483.29   518.99   582.46  1449 1.00
ss[151]        226.74    1.40  52.59   123.01   191.60   225.82   261.41   330.54  1415 1.00
ss[152]        416.35    1.94  52.76   312.63   380.97   417.53   452.20   519.87   736 1.01
ss[153]         83.94    2.27  53.33   -19.88    48.27    82.92   119.10   190.82   550 1.01
ss[154]          0.16    4.70  56.20  -109.06   -38.51     0.34    37.76   111.86   143 1.02
ss[155]       -171.79    1.20  52.35  -275.51  -206.16  -172.19  -136.81   -70.33  1910 1.00
ss[156]       -283.04    1.18  53.15  -390.61  -317.85  -282.02  -247.47  -179.33  2036 1.00
ss[157]       -742.12    1.32  53.81  -847.39  -778.67  -741.89  -705.38  -638.60  1669 1.00
ss[158]       -559.12    5.84  60.64  -678.83  -599.41  -558.76  -518.68  -436.91   108 1.03
ss[159]        -69.63    1.91  54.33  -176.30  -105.39   -69.39   -34.44    40.08   806 1.01
ss[160]         -0.25    1.67  55.78  -105.09   -38.13    -0.70    36.65   110.79  1110 1.01
ss[161]        609.85    1.45  54.08   503.42   573.89   609.74   646.79   714.84  1383 1.00
ss[162]        511.20    1.20  54.14   406.44   474.47   510.04   548.09   620.04  2033 1.00
ss[163]        200.91    1.24  53.00    95.18   165.78   201.40   236.71   302.23  1818 1.00
ss[164]        422.72    2.45  54.77   313.77   385.49   422.92   460.64   527.09   500 1.01
ss[165]         68.28    1.55  53.56   -38.61    32.71    68.95   103.38   174.38  1198 1.01
ss[166]        -22.47    2.31  55.21  -130.65   -59.34   -22.69    15.23    85.38   570 1.01
ss[167]       -125.72    2.17  55.30  -231.74  -163.95  -126.44   -89.21   -13.74   647 1.01
ss[168]       -241.78    3.93  56.55  -352.97  -279.90  -242.15  -204.59  -129.67   207 1.02
ss[169]       -807.87    6.47  65.54  -938.84  -852.17  -808.07  -762.40  -684.47   103 1.03
ss[170]       -522.14    1.91  58.28  -638.07  -561.36  -522.41  -483.02  -407.02   927 1.00
ss[171]        -96.72    5.65  61.80  -219.54  -136.69   -96.72   -54.87    23.33   120 1.03
ss[172]        -37.83    1.29  57.21  -149.79   -76.01   -38.16     0.69    73.99  1982 1.00
ss[173]        667.48    6.17  65.28   539.49   623.44   667.83   711.61   794.01   112 1.03
ss[174]        501.35    1.23  56.65   389.34   463.19   502.12   539.99   610.21  2112 1.00
ss[175]        156.80    1.43  56.35    45.21   119.45   156.64   194.51   269.47  1555 1.01
ss[176]        499.58    2.22  56.99   388.61   460.83   500.21   537.25   612.92   659 1.01
ss[177]         11.65    2.62  58.10  -102.43   -27.18    12.05    51.01   124.82   490 1.01
ss[178]        -41.10    1.85  57.57  -154.60   -79.76   -40.52    -2.74    71.12   968 1.01
ss[179]        -67.15    7.69  64.65  -190.16  -112.15   -68.67   -23.65    62.26    71 1.04
ss[180]       -263.32    1.39  59.72  -379.63  -303.02  -263.01  -224.54  -144.73  1853 1.00
lp__         -2130.89  198.11 274.30 -2453.93 -2379.68 -2178.77 -1917.61 -1594.65     2 2.64

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Tue May 31 00:10:47 2016.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at
convergence, Rhat=1).
    plot_ts(model$sheet(), fmla=`USD (millions)` ~ `Month`)
    theta_1<- model$extract_par("theta_1", start=1, end=model$T_end())
    lines(theta_1_mean ~ Month, data=theta_1, col="darkgreen", type="o")


s<- model$extract_par("s", start=1, end=model$T())
plot_ts(model$sheet(), fmla=`USD (millions)` ~ `Month`)
    s_mean ~ Month,
    col="darkgreen", type="o",
    xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab=""
# mtext("theta_2", side=4, line=3)
legend("bottomleft", col=c("steelblue3","darkgreen"), lwd=2, legend=c("time series","theta_2"), inset=0.02)


##  *FIXME*: what's up with the phase drift in the stochastic seasonal here?
plot_ts(model$sheet(), fmla=`USD (millions)` ~ `Month`)
y.hat<- inner_join(
        ) %>%
            sum=theta_1_mean + s_mean
        ) %>%
lines(sum ~ Month, data=y.hat, col="darkgreen", type="o")

4 Autoregressive models, unit roots and cointegration

Typically, discussion on whether any observed yt are stationary focuses on whether or not there is a unit root in the AR(1) process:

\begin{equation} y_t = \rho_0 + \rho_1 y_{t-1} + \varepsilon_t \end{equation}

where ρ ≥ 1 indicates a nonstationary process.

Granger and Swanson proposed the stochastic unit root model (“STUR”):

An introduction to stochastic unit roots (1997) Granger, C. and Swanson, N., Journal of Econometrics 80 (1): 35–62.

In this model:

\begin{eqnarray} y_t &=& \rho_t y_{t-1} + \varepsilon_t \;\;\;\;\; \varepsilon_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \sigma_1^2) \\[3mm] \rho_t &=& e^{\omega_t} \\[3mm] \omega_t &=& \varphi_0 + \varphi_1\omega_{t-1} + \eta_t \;\;\;\;\; \eta_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \sigma_2^2) \\[3mm] \\[3mm] &=& \mu_{\omega} + \varphi_1 (\omega_{t-1} - \mu_{\omega}) + \eta_t \end{eqnarray}


\begin{equation} \mu_\omega = {\varphi_0 \over 1-\varphi_1} \end{equation}

A Bayesian analysis of stochastic unit root models (1999) Jones, C. and Marriott, J., p. 785–794 in “Bayesian Statistics” (6th Edition), Bernardo, J. M., Berger, J. O., Dawid, A. P. and Smith, A. F. M. (Eds), Oxford University Press, Oxford, England.

consider Bayesian estimation of this model and focus on the value of μω:

\begin{eqnarray} \mu_\omega < 0 &\;\;\Leftrightarrow\;\;& \mathscr{E}(\rho_t) < 1 \\[3mm] \mu_\omega = 0 &\;\;\Leftrightarrow\;\;& \mathscr{E}(\rho_t) = 1 \\[3mm] \mu_\omega > 0 &\;\;\Leftrightarrow\;\;& \mathscr{E}(\rho_t) > 1 \end{eqnarray}

4.0.1 Create model

    lims<- range(unlist(tabs[["STUR"]] %>% select(C, Y)))
    plot(C ~ time,
        ylim=c(lims[1], lims[2]),
        ylab="Consumption and Income",
        main="US Quarterly Consumption and Income"
    lines(Y ~ time,
        ylim=c(lims[1], lims[2])
        col=c("black", "steelblue4"),


    plot(e ~ time,
        main="Error process: Consumption regressed on Income"
    abline(h=0, col="steelblue4")


model<- make_model(

Chain 1, Iteration:    1 / 5000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration:  500 / 5000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1000 / 5000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 1500 / 5000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 2000 / 5000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 2500 / 5000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 1, Iteration: 2501 / 5000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 3000 / 5000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 3500 / 5000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 4000 / 5000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 4500 / 5000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 1, Iteration: 5000 / 5000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 2.15481 seconds (Warm-up)
#                3.21693 seconds (Sampling)
#                5.37173 seconds (Total)
The following numerical problems occured the indicated number of times after warmup on chain 1
Exception thrown at line 38: normal_log: Location parameter is inf, but must be finite!       5
Exception thrown at line 38: normal_log: Location parameter is -inf, but must be finite!      1
Exception thrown at line 39: normal_log: Scale parameter is -0.00191727, but must be > 0!     1
Exception thrown at line 39: normal_log: Scale parameter is -0.00256917, but must be > 0!     1
Exception thrown at line 39: normal_log: Scale parameter is -0.00884453, but must be > 0!     1
Exception thrown at line 39: normal_log: Scale parameter is -0.0193304, but must be > 0!      1
Exception thrown at line 39: normal_log: Scale parameter is -0.291387, but must be > 0!       1
Exception thrown at line 39: normal_log: Scale parameter is -0.677531, but must be > 0!       1
Exception thrown at line 39: normal_log: Scale parameter is -0.713569, but must be > 0!       1
When a numerical problem occurs, the Metropolis proposal gets rejected.
However, by design Metropolis proposals sometimes get rejected even when there are no numerical problems.
Thus, if the number in the 'count' column is small, do not ask about this message on stan-users.


Chain 2, Iteration:    1 / 5000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration:  500 / 5000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1000 / 5000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 1500 / 5000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 2000 / 5000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 2500 / 5000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 2, Iteration: 2501 / 5000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 3000 / 5000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 3500 / 5000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 4000 / 5000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 4500 / 5000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 2, Iteration: 5000 / 5000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 1.66919 seconds (Warm-up)
#                3.76518 seconds (Sampling)
#                5.43438 seconds (Total)
The following numerical problems occured the indicated number of times after warmup on chain 2
Exception thrown at line 38: normal_log: Location parameter is inf, but must be finite!     4
Exception thrown at line 39: normal_log: Scale parameter is -0.374239, but must be > 0!     1
When a numerical problem occurs, the Metropolis proposal gets rejected.
However, by design Metropolis proposals sometimes get rejected even when there are no numerical problems.
Thus, if the number in the 'count' column is small, do not ask about this message on stan-users.


Chain 3, Iteration:    1 / 5000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration:  500 / 5000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1000 / 5000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 1500 / 5000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 2000 / 5000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 2500 / 5000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
Chain 3, Iteration: 2501 / 5000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 3000 / 5000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 3500 / 5000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 4000 / 5000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 4500 / 5000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
Chain 3, Iteration: 5000 / 5000 [100%]  (Sampling)#
#  Elapsed Time: 1.81624 seconds (Warm-up)
#                2.07398 seconds (Sampling)
#                3.89022 seconds (Total)
The following numerical problems occured the indicated number of times after warmup on chain 3
Exception thrown at line 38: normal_log: Location parameter is inf, but must be finite!     5
Exception thrown at line 39: normal_log: Scale parameter is -0.402275, but must be > 0!     1
Exception thrown at line 39: normal_log: Scale parameter is -0.576082, but must be > 0!     1
When a numerical problem occurs, the Metropolis proposal gets rejected.
However, by design Metropolis proposals sometimes get rejected even when there are no numerical problems.
Thus, if the number in the 'count' column is small, do not ask about this message on stan-users.
Warning messages:
1: There were 426 divergent transitions after warmup. Increasing adapt_delta above 0.8 may help.
2: There were 1 transitions after warmup that exceeded the maximum treedepth. Increase max_treedepth above 10.
3: Examine the pairs() plot to diagnose sampling problems

4.0.2 Show Stan code

// Stochastic Unit Root ("STUR")

data {
	int<lower=1> T;
	vector[T]    y;

parameters {
    real sigma_1;
    real sigma_2;

    vector[T] omega;
    real mu_omega;
    real phi;

transformed parameters {
    vector[T] rho;
	for (t in 1:T) {
		rho[t]<- exp(omega[t]);

model {
	//  priors

	mu_omega ~ normal(0, 1);
	phi ~ normal(0,1);
	sigma_1 ~ inv_gamma(0.001, 0.001);
	sigma_2 ~ inv_gamma(0.001, 0.001);

    // initial conditions as latent data: diffuse prior
	omega[1] ~ normal(0, 1);

	for (t in 2:T) {
		y[t] ~ normal(rho[t]*y[t-1], sigma_1);
		omega[t] ~ normal(mu_omega + phi*(omega[t-1]-mu_omega), sigma_2);

cf. the model itself:

\begin{eqnarray} y_t &=& \rho_t y_{t-1} + \varepsilon_t \;\;\;\;\; \varepsilon_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \sigma_1^2) \\[3mm] \rho_t &=& e^{\omega_t} \\[3mm] \omega_t &=& \varphi_0 + \varphi_1\omega_{t-1} + \eta_t \;\;\;\;\; \eta_t \;\sim\; \mathscr{N}(0, \sigma_2^2) \\[3mm] \\[3mm] &=& \mu_{\omega} + \varphi_1 (\omega_{t-1} - \mu_{\omega}) + \eta_t \end{eqnarray}


\begin{equation} \mu_\omega = {\varphi_0 \over 1-\varphi_1} \end{equation}

4.0.3 Fitted Stan model

Inference for Stan model: stur.
3 chains, each with iter=5000; warmup=2500; thin=1;
post-warmup draws per chain=2500, total post-warmup draws=7500.

              mean se_mean    sd    2.5%     25%     50%     75%   97.5% n_eff Rhat
sigma_1      54.45    1.02  6.21   43.79   49.79   53.84   58.70   67.76    37 1.06
sigma_2       0.44    0.04  0.20    0.08    0.28    0.46    0.59    0.81    28 1.07
omega[1]     -0.58    0.08  1.23   -2.75   -1.50   -0.66    0.32    1.90   232 1.01
omega[2]      0.57    0.09  0.60   -0.65    0.14    0.68    1.04    1.43    44 1.06
omega[3]     -0.69    0.02  0.41   -1.59   -0.94   -0.64   -0.41   -0.01   348 1.01
omega[4]     -0.07    0.04  0.36   -0.76   -0.31   -0.03    0.19    0.54    99 1.04
omega[5]     -0.54    0.01  0.35   -1.34   -0.73   -0.50   -0.31    0.04  1051 1.00
omega[6]     -0.55    0.02  0.44   -1.58   -0.77   -0.50   -0.27    0.14   432 1.01
omega[7]     -0.53    0.01  0.48   -1.63   -0.78   -0.51   -0.23    0.35  1260 1.00
omega[8]     -0.41    0.01  0.48   -1.49   -0.66   -0.39   -0.10    0.48  1249 1.01
omega[9]     -0.59    0.02  0.50   -1.74   -0.85   -0.54   -0.27    0.33   992 1.00
omega[10]    -0.15    0.02  0.49   -1.13   -0.49   -0.16    0.18    0.80   506 1.01
omega[11]    -0.50    0.01  0.42   -1.49   -0.71   -0.46   -0.22    0.23  2650 1.00
omega[12]    -0.22    0.02  0.41   -1.09   -0.49   -0.21    0.08    0.53   329 1.01
omega[13]    -0.97    0.05  0.51   -2.18   -1.26   -0.88   -0.59   -0.23   108 1.02
omega[14]    -0.72    0.02  0.46   -1.82   -0.95   -0.63   -0.42   -0.01   403 1.01
omega[15]    -0.25    0.02  0.61   -1.49   -0.59   -0.30    0.10    1.03   687 1.01
omega[16]    -1.00    0.05  0.48   -2.11   -1.28   -0.91   -0.63   -0.29    81 1.02
omega[17]    -0.39    0.03  0.55   -1.66   -0.67   -0.37   -0.02    0.61   382 1.01
omega[18]    -0.96    0.04  0.48   -2.07   -1.25   -0.88   -0.60   -0.24   171 1.02
omega[19]    -0.32    0.02  0.40   -1.23   -0.55   -0.30   -0.05    0.39   382 1.01
omega[20]    -0.48    0.00  0.41   -1.41   -0.70   -0.47   -0.21    0.24  7500 1.00
omega[21]    -0.40    0.01  0.45   -1.42   -0.64   -0.38   -0.10    0.38   986 1.01
omega[22]    -0.57    0.01  0.48   -1.67   -0.82   -0.52   -0.27    0.29  1669 1.00
omega[23]    -0.23    0.02  0.58   -1.38   -0.57   -0.27    0.10    1.02  1176 1.01
omega[24]    -0.65    0.02  0.46   -1.75   -0.90   -0.57   -0.35    0.09   659 1.01
omega[25]    -0.37    0.01  0.52   -1.46   -0.65   -0.38   -0.06    0.68  1566 1.01
omega[26]    -0.41    0.01  0.54   -1.55   -0.70   -0.42   -0.09    0.69  5207 1.00
omega[27]    -0.42    0.01  0.48   -1.51   -0.67   -0.41   -0.11    0.49  3459 1.00
omega[28]    -0.36    0.01  0.48   -1.39   -0.62   -0.37   -0.06    0.59  7500 1.00
omega[29]    -0.44    0.01  0.45   -1.48   -0.68   -0.42   -0.15    0.36  1855 1.00
omega[30]    -0.58    0.02  0.48   -1.67   -0.82   -0.52   -0.28    0.24   837 1.01
omega[31]    -0.38    0.01  0.53   -1.52   -0.66   -0.39   -0.07    0.68  7500 1.00
omega[32]    -0.45    0.01  0.52   -1.60   -0.71   -0.44   -0.14    0.56  3979 1.00
omega[33]    -0.36    0.01  0.54   -1.49   -0.65   -0.39   -0.05    0.79  2709 1.00
omega[34]    -0.44    0.01  0.47   -1.51   -0.68   -0.42   -0.15    0.44  2055 1.00
omega[35]    -0.49    0.01  0.49   -1.59   -0.74   -0.47   -0.20    0.39  1397 1.00
omega[36]    -0.39    0.01  0.52   -1.53   -0.66   -0.39   -0.08    0.66  2880 1.00
omega[37]    -0.47    0.01  0.52   -1.61   -0.73   -0.46   -0.16    0.57  7500 1.00
omega[38]    -0.37    0.01  0.55   -1.51   -0.66   -0.38   -0.06    0.77  3302 1.00
omega[39]    -0.40    0.01  0.50   -1.49   -0.65   -0.39   -0.09    0.55  4678 1.00
omega[40]    -0.38    0.01  0.48   -1.40   -0.65   -0.37   -0.07    0.53  7500 1.00
omega[41]    -0.49    0.01  0.46   -1.56   -0.71   -0.46   -0.19    0.33  1341 1.00
omega[42]    -0.34    0.01  0.50   -1.37   -0.62   -0.35   -0.04    0.64  2872 1.00
omega[43]    -0.43    0.01  0.46   -1.46   -0.67   -0.41   -0.13    0.41  2221 1.00
omega[44]    -0.48    0.01  0.47   -1.56   -0.72   -0.45   -0.17    0.39  2323 1.00
omega[45]    -0.34    0.01  0.51   -1.41   -0.63   -0.35   -0.03    0.64  1918 1.00
omega[46]    -0.47    0.01  0.49   -1.56   -0.73   -0.44   -0.17    0.42  7500 1.00
omega[47]    -0.36    0.01  0.52   -1.48   -0.64   -0.37   -0.04    0.67  7500 1.01
omega[48]    -0.32    0.01  0.45   -1.30   -0.58   -0.33   -0.03    0.55  7500 1.00
omega[49]    -0.63    0.02  0.45   -1.71   -0.86   -0.56   -0.33    0.12   764 1.01
omega[50]    -0.34    0.01  0.55   -1.50   -0.64   -0.36   -0.02    0.82  1981 1.00
omega[51]    -0.55    0.01  0.50   -1.73   -0.80   -0.51   -0.25    0.38  1178 1.01
omega[52]    -0.45    0.01  0.49   -1.56   -0.71   -0.43   -0.14    0.45  7500 1.00
omega[53]    -0.47    0.01  0.51   -1.59   -0.73   -0.46   -0.17    0.52  7500 1.00
omega[54]    -0.35    0.01  0.55   -1.49   -0.66   -0.36   -0.04    0.81  7500 1.00
omega[55]    -0.51    0.01  0.49   -1.63   -0.76   -0.47   -0.20    0.37  7500 1.00
omega[56]    -0.33    0.01  0.52   -1.42   -0.62   -0.34   -0.02    0.73  7500 1.00
omega[57]    -0.54    0.01  0.50   -1.70   -0.81   -0.50   -0.23    0.35  7500 1.00
omega[58]    -0.37    0.01  0.53   -1.51   -0.65   -0.38   -0.06    0.69  2264 1.00
omega[59]    -0.45    0.01  0.53   -1.61   -0.73   -0.45   -0.14    0.58  7500 1.00
omega[60]    -0.42    0.01  0.50   -1.51   -0.68   -0.41   -0.12    0.54  2542 1.00
omega[61]    -0.43    0.01  0.51   -1.59   -0.69   -0.43   -0.11    0.55  2868 1.00
omega[62]    -0.44    0.01  0.50   -1.55   -0.70   -0.43   -0.13    0.53  1850 1.00
omega[63]    -0.45    0.01  0.51   -1.54   -0.71   -0.44   -0.14    0.53  7500 1.00
omega[64]    -0.41    0.01  0.54   -1.57   -0.69   -0.43   -0.11    0.67  3731 1.00
omega[65]    -0.43    0.01  0.49   -1.49   -0.68   -0.43   -0.13    0.52  2608 1.00
omega[66]    -0.44    0.01  0.49   -1.53   -0.70   -0.42   -0.14    0.50  7500 1.00
omega[67]    -0.34    0.01  0.52   -1.45   -0.62   -0.35   -0.02    0.71  7500 1.00
omega[68]    -0.54    0.02  0.49   -1.66   -0.80   -0.50   -0.23    0.31   901 1.00
omega[69]    -0.38    0.01  0.53   -1.51   -0.67   -0.39   -0.07    0.72  3954 1.00
omega[70]    -0.46    0.01  0.52   -1.61   -0.74   -0.45   -0.13    0.55  1946 1.00
omega[71]    -0.50    0.01  0.50   -1.64   -0.76   -0.47   -0.20    0.39  1876 1.00
omega[72]    -0.34    0.01  0.55   -1.48   -0.64   -0.36   -0.03    0.83  2203 1.00
omega[73]    -0.58    0.02  0.48   -1.68   -0.82   -0.52   -0.27    0.27   975 1.00
omega[74]    -0.41    0.01  0.53   -1.59   -0.68   -0.41   -0.10    0.65  3808 1.00
omega[75]    -0.36    0.01  0.56   -1.54   -0.67   -0.39   -0.04    0.82  2255 1.00
omega[76]    -0.56    0.02  0.48   -1.70   -0.80   -0.51   -0.25    0.27   922 1.01
omega[77]    -0.40    0.01  0.52   -1.55   -0.68   -0.40   -0.09    0.67  1834 1.00
omega[78]    -0.45    0.01  0.52   -1.60   -0.72   -0.44   -0.14    0.56  2615 1.00
omega[79]    -0.38    0.01  0.52   -1.50   -0.66   -0.40   -0.08    0.70  2060 1.00
omega[80]    -0.49    0.01  0.53   -1.69   -0.77   -0.46   -0.17    0.53  7500 1.00
omega[81]    -0.30    0.01  0.55   -1.43   -0.61   -0.33    0.02    0.89  1746 1.01
omega[82]    -0.50    0.01  0.46   -1.55   -0.73   -0.46   -0.20    0.29  1096 1.01
omega[83]    -0.35    0.01  0.48   -1.41   -0.61   -0.35   -0.05    0.58  7500 1.00
omega[84]    -0.35    0.01  0.45   -1.38   -0.60   -0.34   -0.07    0.47  2313 1.00
omega[85]    -0.57    0.01  0.46   -1.63   -0.80   -0.52   -0.27    0.20  1122 1.00
omega[86]    -0.33    0.01  0.52   -1.42   -0.61   -0.35   -0.01    0.71  1889 1.01
omega[87]    -0.65    0.02  0.48   -1.82   -0.88   -0.57   -0.34    0.16   397 1.01
omega[88]    -0.43    0.01  0.44   -1.45   -0.66   -0.40   -0.14    0.36  2129 1.00
omega[89]    -0.15    0.02  0.49   -1.09   -0.49   -0.18    0.19    0.83   426 1.01
omega[90]    -0.45    0.01  0.39   -1.36   -0.66   -0.42   -0.19    0.21  1240 1.01
omega[91]    -0.68    0.02  0.45   -1.78   -0.91   -0.60   -0.37    0.05   469 1.00
omega[92]    -0.38    0.01  0.55   -1.58   -0.65   -0.39   -0.07    0.73  1973 1.00
omega[93]    -0.41    0.01  0.53   -1.55   -0.68   -0.41   -0.12    0.66  3691 1.00
omega[94]    -0.51    0.01  0.50   -1.62   -0.77   -0.48   -0.21    0.41  1567 1.00
omega[95]    -0.31    0.01  0.46   -1.36   -0.56   -0.31   -0.02    0.53  7500 1.00
omega[96]    -0.36    0.01  0.42   -1.32   -0.59   -0.35   -0.09    0.41  3918 1.00
omega[97]    -0.41    0.00  0.43   -1.37   -0.62   -0.39   -0.13    0.35  7500 1.00
omega[98]    -0.21    0.02  0.43   -1.11   -0.48   -0.21    0.08    0.59   589 1.01
omega[99]    -0.44    0.01  0.38   -1.31   -0.63   -0.42   -0.19    0.21  1779 1.00
omega[100]   -0.56    0.02  0.43   -1.60   -0.78   -0.51   -0.28    0.15   812 1.01
omega[101]   -0.53    0.01  0.50   -1.69   -0.77   -0.49   -0.22    0.35  1100 1.00
omega[102]   -0.31    0.01  0.54   -1.42   -0.62   -0.34    0.00    0.84  1971 1.01
omega[103]   -0.51    0.01  0.46   -1.60   -0.74   -0.48   -0.21    0.29  1114 1.00
omega[104]   -0.57    0.02  0.47   -1.69   -0.82   -0.53   -0.26    0.24   846 1.00
omega[105]   -0.44    0.01  0.47   -1.48   -0.70   -0.44   -0.15    0.45  7500 1.00
omega[106]   -0.16    0.02  0.51   -1.16   -0.50   -0.19    0.17    0.89   572 1.01
omega[107]   -0.32    0.01  0.41   -1.23   -0.56   -0.31   -0.04    0.41  1228 1.00
omega[108]    0.18    0.06  0.37   -0.58   -0.07    0.24    0.46    0.75    34 1.07
omega[109]   -0.36    0.01  0.25   -0.90   -0.51   -0.34   -0.18    0.07   686 1.00
omega[110]   -0.63    0.02  0.35   -1.45   -0.82   -0.58   -0.39   -0.07   318 1.01
omega[111]   -0.44    0.01  0.41   -1.37   -0.65   -0.42   -0.17    0.32  4830 1.00
omega[112]    0.06    0.06  0.46   -0.80   -0.29    0.08    0.42    0.85    63 1.04
omega[113]   -1.02    0.05  0.58   -2.37   -1.39   -0.90   -0.57   -0.21   120 1.03
omega[114]    0.80    0.13  1.01   -0.78   -0.18    0.92    1.78    2.21    63 1.05
omega[115]   -1.05    0.06  0.49   -2.18   -1.35   -0.96   -0.66   -0.36    70 1.03
omega[116]   -0.27    0.03  0.49   -1.35   -0.57   -0.28    0.06    0.64   313 1.01
omega[117]   -0.60    0.01  0.47   -1.70   -0.83   -0.55   -0.31    0.20  1659 1.00
omega[118]   -0.38    0.01  0.54   -1.57   -0.64   -0.38   -0.06    0.72  7500 1.00
omega[119]   -0.39    0.01  0.55   -1.55   -0.68   -0.39   -0.07    0.72  4163 1.00
omega[120]   -0.31    0.01  0.53   -1.38   -0.60   -0.33    0.01    0.75  2578 1.00
omega[121]    0.10    0.06  0.43   -0.69   -0.23    0.13    0.44    0.83    53 1.04
omega[122]   -0.48    0.01  0.31   -1.22   -0.65   -0.46   -0.27    0.04   831 1.00
omega[123]   -0.54    0.01  0.38   -1.44   -0.74   -0.50   -0.28    0.07   646 1.01
omega[124]   -0.10    0.04  0.44   -0.93   -0.42   -0.12    0.22    0.74   152 1.02
omega[125]   -0.60    0.02  0.41   -1.58   -0.82   -0.55   -0.33    0.06   699 1.01
omega[126]   -0.21    0.02  0.45   -1.17   -0.50   -0.21    0.08    0.62   551 1.01
omega[127]   -0.42    0.01  0.41   -1.34   -0.64   -0.40   -0.15    0.31  2082 1.00
omega[128]   -0.37    0.00  0.42   -1.33   -0.60   -0.36   -0.10    0.36  7500 1.00
omega[129]   -0.48    0.01  0.44   -1.51   -0.69   -0.44   -0.19    0.28  2692 1.00
omega[130]   -0.29    0.01  0.44   -1.21   -0.57   -0.30   -0.01    0.58  7500 1.00
omega[131]   -0.29    0.01  0.43   -1.27   -0.54   -0.29    0.00    0.49  3540 1.00
omega[132]   -0.14    0.03  0.38   -0.88   -0.40   -0.14    0.14    0.54   134 1.02
omega[133]   -0.51    0.01  0.37   -1.38   -0.69   -0.47   -0.27    0.08  1307 1.00
omega[134]   -0.46    0.01  0.41   -1.41   -0.68   -0.44   -0.19    0.24  1134 1.01
omega[135]   -0.32    0.01  0.44   -1.27   -0.58   -0.32   -0.04    0.52  1844 1.00
omega[136]   -0.52    0.01  0.44   -1.55   -0.75   -0.48   -0.23    0.22  1095 1.01
mu_omega     -0.42    0.01  0.13   -0.70   -0.50   -0.40   -0.32   -0.20    79 1.04
phi          -0.18    0.04  0.36   -0.72   -0.47   -0.26    0.08    0.57    99 1.03
rho[1]        1.21    0.08  2.18    0.06    0.22    0.52    1.38    6.67   659 1.00
rho[2]        2.06    0.11  1.04    0.52    1.16    1.97    2.83    4.19    90 1.04
rho[3]        0.54    0.01  0.20    0.20    0.39    0.53    0.66    0.99   298 1.01
rho[4]        1.00    0.03  0.34    0.47    0.73    0.97    1.21    1.72   126 1.03
rho[5]        0.62    0.00  0.20    0.26    0.48    0.61    0.74    1.04  7500 1.00
rho[6]        0.63    0.01  0.24    0.21    0.46    0.60    0.76    1.16   453 1.01
rho[7]        0.66    0.00  0.31    0.20    0.46    0.60    0.79    1.42  7500 1.00
rho[8]        0.74    0.00  0.35    0.23    0.52    0.68    0.91    1.61  7500 1.01
rho[9]        0.62    0.00  0.31    0.18    0.43    0.58    0.76    1.39  7500 1.00
rho[10]       0.96    0.02  0.48    0.32    0.62    0.85    1.20    2.22   460 1.01
rho[11]       0.66    0.00  0.26    0.22    0.49    0.63    0.80    1.26  7500 1.00
rho[12]       0.87    0.02  0.35    0.34    0.61    0.81    1.08    1.69   303 1.02
rho[13]       0.42    0.02  0.18    0.11    0.28    0.41    0.55    0.79    70 1.03
rho[14]       0.53    0.01  0.21    0.16    0.39    0.53    0.66    0.99   465 1.01
rho[15]       0.95    0.03  0.95    0.23    0.55    0.74    1.11    2.80  1039 1.01
rho[16]       0.41    0.02  0.17    0.12    0.28    0.40    0.53    0.75    73 1.03
rho[17]       0.78    0.02  0.42    0.19    0.51    0.69    0.98    1.84   382 1.01
rho[18]       0.42    0.01  0.18    0.13    0.29    0.41    0.55    0.79   175 1.02
rho[19]       0.78    0.02  0.30    0.29    0.57    0.74    0.95    1.47   330 1.02
rho[20]       0.67    0.00  0.26    0.24    0.50    0.63    0.81    1.27  7500 1.00
rho[21]       0.73    0.01  0.31    0.24    0.53    0.68    0.90    1.47   548 1.01
rho[22]       0.63    0.00  0.28    0.19    0.44    0.59    0.76    1.34  7500 1.00
rho[23]       0.94    0.02  0.66    0.25    0.56    0.76    1.11    2.78   901 1.01
rho[24]       0.57    0.01  0.24    0.17    0.41    0.56    0.71    1.10   862 1.01
rho[25]       0.79    0.01  0.46    0.23    0.52    0.69    0.94    1.97  1711 1.01
rho[26]       0.77    0.01  0.47    0.21    0.50    0.66    0.91    1.99  4748 1.00
rho[27]       0.73    0.00  0.35    0.22    0.51    0.67    0.89    1.62  7500 1.00
rho[28]       0.78    0.00  0.38    0.25    0.54    0.69    0.94    1.81  7500 1.00
rho[29]       0.71    0.00  0.30    0.23    0.51    0.66    0.86    1.44  7500 1.00
rho[30]       0.62    0.00  0.27    0.19    0.44    0.59    0.76    1.27  7500 1.00
rho[31]       0.79    0.01  0.48    0.22    0.52    0.68    0.93    1.97  1818 1.00
rho[32]       0.73    0.00  0.40    0.20    0.49    0.64    0.87    1.75  7500 1.00
rho[33]       0.82    0.01  0.53    0.23    0.52    0.68    0.96    2.20  1928 1.01
rho[34]       0.71    0.00  0.33    0.22    0.51    0.65    0.86    1.55  7500 1.00
rho[35]       0.68    0.00  0.32    0.20    0.48    0.63    0.82    1.47  7500 1.00
rho[36]       0.77    0.01  0.44    0.22    0.52    0.67    0.92    1.93  2840 1.00
rho[37]       0.72    0.01  0.40    0.20    0.48    0.63    0.85    1.78  4052 1.00
rho[38]       0.81    0.01  0.53    0.22    0.52    0.68    0.95    2.17  2799 1.00
rho[39]       0.76    0.00  0.38    0.23    0.52    0.68    0.91    1.73  7500 1.00
rho[40]       0.77    0.00  0.37    0.25    0.52    0.69    0.93    1.70  7500 1.01
rho[41]       0.68    0.00  0.29    0.21    0.49    0.63    0.83    1.39  7500 1.00
rho[42]       0.80    0.01  0.42    0.25    0.54    0.70    0.96    1.89  2099 1.00
rho[43]       0.72    0.00  0.32    0.23    0.51    0.66    0.88    1.51  7500 1.00
rho[44]       0.69    0.00  0.31    0.21    0.49    0.64    0.84    1.48  7500 1.00
rho[45]       0.80    0.01  0.43    0.24    0.53    0.71    0.97    1.90  1780 1.01
rho[46]       0.70    0.00  0.33    0.21    0.48    0.64    0.85    1.51  7500 1.00
rho[47]       0.80    0.01  0.44    0.23    0.53    0.69    0.96    1.95  7500 1.01
rho[48]       0.80    0.00  0.36    0.27    0.56    0.72    0.97    1.73  7500 1.01
rho[49]       0.58    0.00  0.24    0.18    0.42    0.57    0.72    1.13  7500 1.00
rho[50]       0.83    0.01  0.53    0.22    0.53    0.69    0.98    2.27  1531 1.01
rho[51]       0.65    0.00  0.32    0.18    0.45    0.60    0.78    1.46  7500 1.00
rho[52]       0.71    0.00  0.34    0.21    0.49    0.65    0.87    1.58  7500 1.01
rho[53]       0.71    0.00  0.38    0.20    0.48    0.63    0.85    1.67  7500 1.00
rho[54]       0.83    0.01  0.56    0.23    0.52    0.69    0.96    2.24  1858 1.00
rho[55]       0.67    0.00  0.31    0.20    0.47    0.62    0.81    1.45  7500 1.00
rho[56]       0.83    0.01  0.47    0.24    0.54    0.71    0.98    2.08  1231 1.00
rho[57]       0.65    0.00  0.31    0.18    0.45    0.60    0.79    1.42  7500 1.00
rho[58]       0.79    0.01  0.46    0.22    0.52    0.69    0.94    1.98  2876 1.00
rho[59]       0.73    0.01  0.43    0.20    0.48    0.64    0.87    1.79  4110 1.00
rho[60]       0.74    0.00  0.38    0.22    0.51    0.66    0.88    1.72  7500 1.00
rho[61]       0.74    0.01  0.39    0.20    0.50    0.65    0.89    1.74  2956 1.00
rho[62]       0.73    0.01  0.37    0.21    0.50    0.65    0.88    1.70  3679 1.01
rho[63]       0.73    0.01  0.39    0.21    0.49    0.64    0.87    1.70  3846 1.00
rho[64]       0.77    0.01  0.49    0.21    0.50    0.65    0.90    1.96  3452 1.00
rho[65]       0.73    0.01  0.37    0.23    0.50    0.65    0.88    1.69  3008 1.00
rho[66]       0.72    0.00  0.37    0.22    0.50    0.65    0.87    1.66  7500 1.00
rho[67]       0.81    0.01  0.45    0.23    0.54    0.70    0.98    2.04  1388 1.00
rho[68]       0.65    0.00  0.29    0.19    0.45    0.60    0.79    1.36  7500 1.00
rho[69]       0.78    0.01  0.47    0.22    0.51    0.67    0.93    2.05  2348 1.00
rho[70]       0.72    0.01  0.40    0.20    0.48    0.64    0.87    1.74  3787 1.00
rho[71]       0.68    0.00  0.33    0.19    0.47    0.62    0.82    1.48  7500 1.00
rho[72]       0.83    0.01  0.55    0.23    0.53    0.70    0.97    2.29  2161 1.00
rho[73]       0.63    0.00  0.28    0.19    0.44    0.59    0.77    1.31  7500 1.00
rho[74]       0.76    0.01  0.44    0.20    0.51    0.66    0.91    1.92  3984 1.00
rho[75]       0.82    0.01  0.53    0.21    0.51    0.68    0.96    2.27  1896 1.01
rho[76]       0.63    0.00  0.28    0.18    0.45    0.60    0.78    1.30  7500 1.01
rho[77]       0.77    0.01  0.44    0.21    0.51    0.67    0.91    1.96  1892 1.00
rho[78]       0.72    0.00  0.39    0.20    0.49    0.64    0.87    1.75  7500 1.00
rho[79]       0.78    0.01  0.45    0.22    0.51    0.67    0.93    2.01  1891 1.00
rho[80]       0.70    0.00  0.38    0.19    0.46    0.63    0.84    1.70  7500 1.00
rho[81]       0.87    0.02  0.56    0.24    0.54    0.72    1.02    2.42   791 1.01
rho[82]       0.67    0.00  0.28    0.21    0.48    0.63    0.82    1.34  7500 1.01
rho[83]       0.78    0.00  0.38    0.24    0.54    0.70    0.95    1.79  7500 1.01
rho[84]       0.77    0.00  0.34    0.25    0.55    0.71    0.94    1.60  7500 1.01
rho[85]       0.62    0.00  0.26    0.20    0.45    0.60    0.76    1.22  7500 1.00
rho[86]       0.82    0.01  0.46    0.24    0.54    0.70    0.99    2.03  1026 1.01
rho[87]       0.58    0.01  0.25    0.16    0.41    0.56    0.71    1.17  1073 1.00
rho[88]       0.71    0.00  0.30    0.23    0.52    0.67    0.87    1.43  7500 1.00
rho[89]       0.98    0.03  0.50    0.34    0.61    0.83    1.21    2.29   377 1.01
rho[90]       0.68    0.00  0.24    0.26    0.52    0.66    0.83    1.23  7500 1.01
rho[91]       0.56    0.01  0.22    0.17    0.40    0.55    0.69    1.05   633 1.00
rho[92]       0.80    0.01  0.55    0.21    0.52    0.67    0.93    2.07  2349 1.00
rho[93]       0.76    0.01  0.47    0.21    0.51    0.66    0.89    1.93  4079 1.00
rho[94]       0.67    0.00  0.34    0.20    0.46    0.62    0.81    1.51  7500 1.00
rho[95]       0.81    0.00  0.37    0.26    0.57    0.73    0.98    1.71  7500 1.01
rho[96]       0.76    0.00  0.31    0.27    0.56    0.70    0.91    1.50  7500 1.01
rho[97]       0.72    0.00  0.29    0.25    0.54    0.68    0.88    1.42  7500 1.01
rho[98]       0.89    0.00  0.38    0.33    0.62    0.81    1.08    1.80  7500 1.01
rho[99]       0.69    0.00  0.24    0.27    0.53    0.66    0.83    1.23  7500 1.00
rho[100]      0.62    0.00  0.24    0.20    0.46    0.60    0.75    1.17  7500 1.00
rho[101]      0.66    0.00  0.31    0.18    0.47    0.61    0.80    1.42  7500 1.00
rho[102]      0.85    0.02  0.53    0.24    0.54    0.71    1.00    2.31   957 1.01
rho[103]      0.66    0.00  0.28    0.20    0.48    0.62    0.81    1.34  7500 1.00
rho[104]      0.62    0.01  0.28    0.18    0.44    0.59    0.77    1.27  1287 1.00
rho[105]      0.71    0.00  0.33    0.23    0.50    0.65    0.86    1.57  7500 1.00
rho[106]      0.97    0.02  0.54    0.31    0.61    0.83    1.19    2.45   479 1.01
rho[107]      0.78    0.01  0.31    0.29    0.57    0.73    0.96    1.50   660 1.00
rho[108]      1.27    0.06  0.43    0.56    0.93    1.27    1.59    2.12    44 1.05
rho[109]      0.72    0.01  0.17    0.41    0.60    0.71    0.83    1.07   626 1.01
rho[110]      0.56    0.01  0.18    0.23    0.44    0.56    0.68    0.94   294 1.01
rho[111]      0.70    0.00  0.28    0.25    0.52    0.66    0.84    1.38  7500 1.00
rho[112]      1.18    0.05  0.53    0.45    0.75    1.08    1.52    2.34   108 1.03
rho[113]      0.41    0.02  0.20    0.09    0.25    0.40    0.57    0.81   159 1.03
rho[114]      3.46    0.31  2.81    0.46    0.83    2.52    5.91    9.09    85 1.03
rho[115]      0.39    0.02  0.16    0.11    0.26    0.38    0.52    0.70    60 1.04
rho[116]      0.85    0.02  0.41    0.26    0.57    0.76    1.06    1.90   297 1.02
rho[117]      0.60    0.00  0.26    0.18    0.43    0.58    0.74    1.23  7500 1.00
rho[118]      0.79    0.01  0.49    0.21    0.53    0.68    0.94    2.06  2885 1.00
rho[119]      0.79    0.01  0.51    0.21    0.51    0.67    0.93    2.06  4141 1.00
rho[120]      0.84    0.01  0.47    0.25    0.55    0.72    1.01    2.12  1832 1.01
rho[121]      1.20    0.06  0.50    0.50    0.80    1.13    1.55    2.28    65 1.03
rho[122]      0.64    0.01  0.19    0.30    0.52    0.63    0.76    1.04   809 1.00
rho[123]      0.62    0.00  0.21    0.24    0.48    0.61    0.76    1.07  7500 1.01
rho[124]      1.00    0.03  0.45    0.39    0.66    0.89    1.24    2.09   182 1.02
rho[125]      0.59    0.00  0.22    0.21    0.44    0.58    0.72    1.06  7500 1.00
rho[126]      0.89    0.00  0.39    0.31    0.61    0.81    1.09    1.85  7500 1.01
rho[127]      0.71    0.00  0.27    0.26    0.53    0.67    0.86    1.36  7500 1.00
rho[128]      0.75    0.00  0.29    0.26    0.55    0.70    0.91    1.44  7500 1.01
rho[129]      0.68    0.00  0.28    0.22    0.50    0.64    0.82    1.32  7500 1.00
rho[130]      0.82    0.00  0.38    0.30    0.57    0.74    0.99    1.78  7500 1.01
rho[131]      0.82    0.00  0.34    0.28    0.58    0.75    1.00    1.64  7500 1.00
rho[132]      0.94    0.03  0.35    0.42    0.67    0.87    1.15    1.72   144 1.02
rho[133]      0.64    0.00  0.21    0.25    0.50    0.63    0.76    1.08  7500 1.00
rho[134]      0.68    0.00  0.26    0.25    0.51    0.65    0.83    1.28  7500 1.01
rho[135]      0.80    0.00  0.35    0.28    0.56    0.73    0.96    1.68  7500 1.01
rho[136]      0.65    0.00  0.26    0.21    0.47    0.62    0.80    1.25  7500 1.01
lp__       -548.91   16.27 69.54 -635.88 -598.22 -571.07 -514.09 -357.89    18 1.13

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Tue May 31 00:11:42 2016.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at
convergence, Rhat=1).

A unit root corresponds to μω being positive, therefore for stationarity we wish to know:

What is Pr ( μω ) < 0?

    mu_omega<- rstan::extract(model$fit())[["mu_omega"]]
    hist(mu_omega, breaks=30, main="mu_omega", xlab="mu_omega", ylab="density")


5 On exit: clean up

Discard all pending work and free resources (memory, sockets, &c.):

Author: Thomas P. Harte and R. Michael Weylandt


Created: 2016-05-31 Tue 00:11

Emacs 24.5.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
